First kiss?

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Over the next few days me and Ein stuck together, in class, we would sit together, during our free time we hung out around campus, sometimes going other places. Tomorrow is Friday and we both have math. We had got up to leave after class when Ein tripped on the stairs. I was in front of him so he landed on me and we both ended up on the floor. Ein was on top of me and our noses were so close they were almost touching. We both went bright red.

“I-I’m s-sorry!” He said.

“Just kiss already!” I heard a girl in the class shout. “We all know you two like each other!” I went an even darker shade of red and so did Ein. However, instead of getting off of me, he came closer. He put his lips on mine, I might have screamed, but I didn’t, I leaned into it and put one of my hands in his hair, which was really soft. He pulled away from me and jumped up, helping me up. I saw our classmates watching us, a few said “AWWW!” and walked out of the classroom, one girl ran out waving her hands in the air shouting "I SUPPORT LGBTQ!" (This is me) the rest acted like nothing had happened, except one girl, a bleach blond who was looking at us with jealousy in her eyes. I quickly looked away and pulled Ein out of the class with me. He was still really red and looked as if he was about to pass out, I look him back to our dorm and we sat together on the sofa.

“What in Irene’s name was that about?” I asked him quietly.

“I-I don’t know…” He replied sadly.

“It’s ok, I liked it.” I said he looked at me surprised.

“Y-you d-did?” He asked, I nodded and he hugged me.

“I’m so sorry I did that, I know you’re not over Aph yet and-.” He started rambling. I put my finger on his lips to shush him.

“I already said it’s ok, let’s go get coffee.” I said. Taking my finger away from his lips.

“O-ok.” He said. We left the room and went to the café; we sat at a table and ordered coffee.

Thank you madbutterboy for the vote and being the first person to read this! XD!

Of course, thank you to any other wonderful readers that have appeared by the time I post this!

Hope you're enjoying!

Lizzie-chan out!

Einron (Ein x Aaron)Where stories live. Discover now