it was her idea?

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"you ok?" I asked him.
"Yep!" He replied.
"We have class in a few hours so do you wanna do something?" I asked.
"Sure! We could go to the Cafe! And get cake!" Ein said sounding excited.
"Sure we can do that!" I said. I grabbed his hand and lead him out.

At the cafe!

Aaron's POV

Me and Ein sat at a table in the corner next to a window so sunlight was pouring onto our table. We had bought victoria sponge cake and we were eating while chatting.
I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to see Aphmau.
"Did it work?" She asked me. Ein looked up and saw her, he looked angry at her but didn't say anything.
"Yeah I think so " I replied, looking at Ein with a smile.

Ein's POV

Aaron smiled at me and I was confused.
"Did what work?" I asked him.
"Aphmau gave me the idea to write you a note." Aaron explained.
"I uhh, I need to go, I'm supposed to be meeting Terra bye!" Aphmau yelled before running off away from our table.

"Aaron, what's up with her?" I asked.
"Honestly I have no idea, I think she's trying make up for what she did." Aaron replied.
"Do you forgive her?"
"Not yet, but maybe. But even if I did forgive her, there's no chance I'm ever trusting her enough for a relationship." Aaron said. I was happy with this, I didn't want Aaron to go back to her, for his sake and mine.

I finished my last mouthful of cake and me and Aaron headed back to the dorm, getting ready for class. We walked down and sat in our seats.
"Ein? Weren't you sick this morning?" Asked the teacher "Are you sure you're well enough to be here?"
"Y-yes miss I feel a lot better now." I said. We must have forgotten about Aaron telling our teacher that I had been sick.

After class we were heading back to out dorm when we were stopped by Aphmau.
"Guys! I'm glad i found you!" She said panting.
"Aph are you ok?" Aaron asked.
"Y-yeah! I just wanted to invite you to the cinima tomorrow with me and a few friends!" She said.
"Oh umm, I don't have class tomorrow night so sure I guess, Ein?" Aaron said.
"Umm, s-sure..." I said quietly.
"What movie will we be watching?" Aaron asked.
"Probably a horror movie but I haven't actually chosen yet." She said. I looked at Aaron feeling worried seeing as I get scared by jump-scares easily. Aaron took my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"It'll be fine." He said "we need to get back to our dorm."
"Ok, I'll text you the time and where we're meeting." Aph said before skipping off away from us.

Back at the dorm Aaron turned to me.
"Don't worry, if you get scared you can hold my hand." Aaron said.
"Thanks Aaron." I replied. "I'm going to go to sleep now, bye!" I headed into my room and went to sleep, thinking about tomorrow.

Here's the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed!

If I get 500 reads on any of my stories then I'll post a face reveal on all of my stories so look out for that!

Lizzie-chan out!

Einron (Ein x Aaron)Where stories live. Discover now