Chapter 1

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It wasn't that sunny of a day, when Eira graduated. Still, the sun hung low, and if she wanted to see the person speaking she had to shield her eyes. She didn't mind, not really. It wasn't as if he was saying anything important, or anything she hadn't heard before. It was the standard graduation speech, telling everyone about how well they did to get here, and how far they'll go. It's not as if anyone really believed it.

If you were one of those people who were going to succeed in life, you already knew that. If you weren't, well, a little pep talk wasn't going to change that. It's more for the parents, Eira thinks, scanning the podium full of people pretending to listen. If only mine came.

As the speaker quiets and steps away from the microphone, the dean returns, smiling out at the crowd. "Congratulations, class of 2019!" The people around her erupt into laughter and cheers, a wave of applause rising like thunder as they stand, throwing their various caps into the air. Eira stands a little too late, missing the moment. She doesn't mind, though, and is just happy when they start filing out of the crowded courtyard. It may not be sunny, but it still managed to be hot and humid. She could use a little celebration of her own, with a nice cool--

Eira is startled out of her fantasy when a hand touches her shoulder. She turns on her heel, now alert. She wasn't exactly a huge fan of people touching her, and strangers were no exception. "Yes?" She asks, her voice more of a strangled choke than the commanding tone she wanted it to be. When she finally sees her assailant, it's a girl a little taller than she is. "Can I help you?"

The girl -- Dark brown hair reaching to her tan chin, amber eyes meeting Eira's own -- doesn't say anything for a moment. When it becomes clear that Eira isn't about to continue without being prompted, she finally speaks. "You need to come with us."

"Us?" Eira asks, glancing around. She hadn't noticed anyone else before, but now that she's thinking about it; there were two other girls with the first. Both had dark skin, one taller than the other. The taller one had bright red hair grown into an afro, bright clothes matching her lopsided grin. The other was smiling, too, though she didn't seem to be as sarcastic about it. Her eyes are covered by dark sunglasses and she has a few white marks on her body; tattoos, Eira realizes after a moment. Both girls wave at her when she sees them. "What do you--" She turns back to face the first girl. "What do you mean, I have to come with you? I don't even know who you are!"

"We're--" the tall girl starts, but is cut off by the first, as she sends her a small glare.

"It doesn't matter who we are. We need your help."

"Look," Eira says, beginning to lean to one side, tapping her middle finger against her thumb. "I'm probably not going to go with you, but I'm definitely not if you don't tell me your names." She gives them a pointed look. "At the very least."

The three girls share a look, the first one speaking up again. "I'm One. This is Two, and Three."

Eira laughs. "I said names, not numbers. What, do you think you're secret agents? Like James Bond?" Her smile widens as she gives another condescending laugh. "Then again, even he gave his name."

They share another look, this time One shaking her head in defeat. It's Three who speaks, the shorter of the bunch. "I'm Es. This," she says, pointing to the taller girl. "Is Ty. And the one who startled you is Nes."

"Well, Es, Ty, and Nes, I think it's about time I go home. It's been nice talking to you," Eira says, turning around once again and heading towards the massive throng of people all trying to leave at the same time. She hadn't really thought they'd actually tell her; she hadn't planned this far ahead, but she really wasn't in the mood for getting kidnapped.

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