Chapter 22

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"You really made this yourself?" Ic asks Owen as the food is placed on the table. "It looks good."

"God, you sound like Wal," Nic says under his breath, earning a kick from Nes. He turns to Owen with a smile, speaking louder. "Looks great, kid."

Owen beams, taking his place next to Es. "Thanks!"

As they eat, everyone grows quiet, each lost in their own thoughts. "What time are we leaving tomorrow?" Sam asks.

"As soon as we wake up," Nes responds. She then looks at Eira. "Unless that would be too soon?"

"You guys should be fine any time after six or so." She gives them a sheepish smile. "Sorry about the whole thing."

"I told you not to worry about the consequences," Nes says. "We'll leave at six, then."

"In the morning?" Eira asks. "Can't you guys sleep in for once?"

Ty laughs. "You'd better get used to the early mornings."

"Is she going to have to go through training?" Nic asks. "How does that even work?"

"She'll have an abridged version, alongside our missions. Whichever Cenn she chooses will be in charge of it."

Sam smiles. "So exactly what she's used to."

"That's not too bad, then," Es says. "I'm assuming they'll have the official ceremony tomorrow; they know we're coming and they've had it ready since before we left. You might want to make sure you have your decision finalized before we leave."

Eira chews her lip. "I really don't know. Where would I fit in better?"

The three Cenns share a look. "Technically we're not allowed to tell anyone our choices," Nes says. "Not even each other."

"That would mean we could try and make trouble within the groups," Es says. "Which, admittedly, has been known to happen in the past."

"Wait," Eira says, pausing. "That means the others don't get to choose? How are the groups decided anyways?"

"All the trainees line up on this big stage and we choose them one at a time, starting with Nes and ending with Es," Ty says.

Eira laughs. "Sure, just like gym class. But really, is it by scores people get, or--"

"She's being serious," Ic says while Ty's face is a perfect display of mock offense. "Which is why them allowing you to choose is something that shouldn't be taken lightly."

"Oh," she says, looking at her mostly-finished meal. "It's just that I can think of pros and cons for each of you."

"Then let's work through them," Es says, but Nic shakes his head.

"She needs impartial parties," He says.

"What, like you?" Nes asks.

"Exactly." He gives her a smirk before patting Ic on the back. "And Ic. Sam, too."

"Not fair," Ty points out, holding her skewered last piece of food. "All three of you favor Nes. If she's going to have counsel it should actually be impartial."

"Then I'll advocate for you," Sam says. "I was going to, anyways."

Ic smiles at Es. "And as someone who grew up alongside you, it shouldn't be difficult to get her to your side."

"I don't know, guys," Eira says. "I just met you two today. And only because we were trying to flush out a double agent."

Ty gives her a lopsided grin. "Let's hear the cons, then. Tell me why you don't want to work with me." When Eira only opens and closes her mouth a few times, Ty motions to the boys. "See?"

The Twenty SevenWhere stories live. Discover now