Chapter 6

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They go to the same diner as before, having quickly realized that it was the only one near by. This time, they're more adventurous with their orders. They get burgers instead.

Their waitress, Tiff, looks them over as she brings their food back. "You all were here a few days ago, weren't you?"

Nes is the one to speak. "Yes. We're friends of Wendy."

All of the people around them that had been listening go silent. "Friends?" Tiff asks. "Are you related?"

"No. Our-- some of our friends knew her when she was younger." Ty responds.

There is a low murmur that passes through the room. Even the woman behind the counter -- they still haven't gotten her name -- looks over to them. Tiff leans close, narrowing her eyes. "You aren't those kids with the--" She cuts herself off, wiggling her fingers a little. When Nes nods again, she breaks out into a grin. "Welcome to Sugar Hill." She holds out her hand and covers Nes' when she takes it.

After Tiff had gotten all of the girls' names, she started introducing everyone else in the diner. "And this is Big Billy, and Little Joe; oh, and of course you can't forget Sandy." A pregnant woman, along with her husband and son, come over to the table. They all shake hands, Little Joe trying to climb into Es' lap. She gently pushes him off, helping him to sit in the booth next to her.

"When George told us about, well, you being here, we were beside ourselves," Sandy says. Other people have brought chairs over, tables having been pushed together to accommodate the crowd. "Our girl is one of the missing ones, you know, from the list? Lawrence did give you that list, right?"

Eira nods, smiling politely. She wasn't used to this much attention and was going to do everything she could to get it over with as quickly as possible. "He sure did. We already healed the tree. Now if--"

"That old tree? You fixed it?" Big Billy turns to the man next to him. "Did you hear that, Luke? You know what that means."

Luke slaps his leg, laughing heartily. "I guess I'll get out the old float."

"The float?" Ty asks, just as uncomfortable as Eira. She may be used to peopled fawning over her because of her station, but that didn't mean she had to like it.

Patting her arm, Cindy -- Luke's wife -- smiles. "Ever since he was little, it was Luke's fathers' job to run the parades. Since he passed last year -- bless his soul -- Luke's been taking care of them."

"Right," Ty continues, inching away from the woman. "But what does that have to do with the tree?"

"No just the tree, sweetheart," Cindy continues, making up the distance to touch Ty's arm again. "For you all coming back. Our prayers have been answered." As she finishes, she looks upwards. All of the people around them mutter a little prayer under their breath. At the last "Amen," she turns her smile back towards Ty. "Now, this food here is on the house, I'm sure. Isn't that right, Tiff?"

"It sure is!" Their waitress says. "I can get you all some more too, if you want that." Not waiting for an answer, she moves back to the kitchen.

"So," Nes says, speaking to Sandy and watching her reactions carefully. "All of you worked on the list together?"

She nods vigorously. "Yes ma'am. We've been adding things to it since your friends went away. When they up and left we were devastated, but we just kept praying and knew that some day you all would show up."

"Right." There's a pause. Little Joe reaches towards Es' burger, but again she gently guides him away. "We're tired. We had a long day. Would it be alright if we ate in peace?" Nes asks. Es kicks her under the table, shooting her a pointed look, but Nes doesn't meet her gaze.

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