Chapter 14

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Es is just making Nes a cup of tea as Eira and Ty open the door. "Honey, I'm home," Ty calls. She heads to the kitchen. "Hey."

Es nods to her, pouring the hot water into a mug. "Nes is on the couch. I brought Sam and Dr. Laghari to their own rooms, both tied up."

Leaning against the door frame, a smirk finds its way onto Ty's face. "You tied them up? Aren't you pretty bad at that?"

Grabbing the cup and moving towards the living room, Es rolls her eyes. "It's possible that I got the Oegaire to help me out so I didn't flunk."

"Oe Akiba?" Ty asks, making a face. "Don't tell me you--"

Es hits Ty's arm as she walks past her, shaking her head. "I didn't do anything bad. I just gave him some good scotch."

"Oe? Oegaire? Akiba?" Eira asks, glancing between the two of them. "What's the word for normal person?"

Ty laughs. "Caeras don't have powers, if that's what you mean."

Eira nods. "Right. Caera here. You guys can't just keep using these titles without explaining them. I may know Goidelic, but I'm much better at reading than hearing it spoken. No one -- well, no Caeras -- actually know how half the words are pronounced."

"Well, Oe is short for Oegaire. Which is our equivalent to professor," Es says. "Oe Akiba was one of ours, he taught some of the basic survival classes."

"Survival classes? Was that part of your training? Or just something that everyone in Crann learns?"

The girls share a look. "Training," Ty says.

"They'll probably make you go through it too. I'm not sure how it works, what with you showing up so late and all. I doubt they'll let you just be part of the Twenty Seven without any preparation," Es adds.

"You don't think this whole thing is preparation enough?" Eira asks, shaking her head. Es shrugs and the three of them make their way to the couch where Nes is laying. Es places the hot cup of tea on a table.

Ty feels her forehead, frowning. "She still hasn't woken up? Think we should be worried?"

"I mean, I gave her a healing Toch," Eira says. "So she shouldn't be deathly ill or anything." She pauses, glancing at the other two. "I think."

"That's reassuring," Ty says, sighing. "I'll go call Crann."


When opening her eyes didn't change anything, Dr. Laghari was fairly convinced she'd gone blind. It wasn't until she tried to reach one of her hands towards her eyes that she realized she was bound. Still not sure about the blind thing, she brings her cheek against her shoulder, feeling a rough fabric between the two of them. They put a bag over my head.

The thought comes with mixed emotions; surprise, anger, confusion, and genuine fear intermingle. Though she can't see, she feels her eyes widen. Who are they? The same people who paid me to kidnap that boy? Or -- Or are they the Sheriff's people? Have I been caught? Is this what happens to prisoners?

After twenty minutes of going down this path, her only company her mind, her thoughts shift. Should I try to escape? Or would it be better to plead innocence? They must have found the girls, whoever they are. If only I could get this stupid bag off my--

Stuck by inspiration, Dr. Laghari thrusts her chair forwards, hitting the ground harder than she meant to. She groans when she's still encased in darkness. Stupid. Now they'll know I was trying to--

This time her thoughts are cut off by the sound of the door opening. She holds her breath as if that would make her invisible. "Hello?" All at once she releases the air. It's the boy. Good.

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