Chapter 19

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As Ty recounts everything that happened -- with a few embellishments and significantly less gore -- to Owen, the rest of them gather in the living room. Eira is going around drawing various healing Tochs. Of the three, all of their noses won't stop bleeding, even while the rest of their injuries heal. "Why isn't it working?" Es asks.

"I told you it was dangerous to have to overlapping ones at the same time," Eira says. "It's too much for your body to handle."

"Then how do we fix it?" Nes asks. "Does your book tell you?"

"It can't be fixed through Tochs. It has to heal naturally."

Es runs a hand through her hair. "How long does that take?'

Eira bites her lip. "If you don't use your abilities at all, a few days."

"I can't even use my fire?" Es asks, raising her voice a little.

"Can we use the Cloch?" Sam asks. He'd been quiet for a while, so Eira had almost forgotten he was there.

"Not safely. It could do a lot more damage."

Es stands, moving to the kitchen to pour herself a drink. It's Nes who speaks. "So we're sitting ducks, then?" At Eira's nod, she sighs. "I'll call Crann--"

"What about the mole?" Ty calls from the entry way.

Nes stands, wordless anger written across her face. She marches over to where Ty was sitting with Owen and towers over her. "Is it necessary for you to combat every decision I make?"

Ty stands, pushing Owen off to the side. She's taller than Nes by a few inches, but they keep eye contact. "Only when they're wrong."

"Do you think you can talk to me like that just because I've lost my--" Nes starts but Ty cuts her off with a malicious laugh.

"It has nothing to do with if you have your abilities or not. You keep making wrong decisions. As your second in command--"

"Exactly," Nes says. "Second."

Ty gives her a smile with an edge. "As your second in command, it's my job to tell you when you're wrong. And it's your job to listen. And course correct. Whatever issues you're clearly having has nothing to do with me. You've been busy sulking around and feeling sorry for yourself, while the rest of us have been doing everything we can to keep things going."

With that, Nes backs down. It's the first time Ty had ever seen her take a step back from a fight, and they'd seen each other around since they were kids. Nes rubs her watch, taking another step away from Ty. "You're right."

"Nessa?" Sam calls from the doorway where the rest of them were watching.

"I'm not as good at this as everyone thought I was. I'll tell the Ri that I'll resign as Prim once everything blows over."

Ty looks up at the ceiling, taking a deep breath. "That's not what I was talking about. That won't help anything. Just sort through your issues and don't take them out on us."

"I think we're all just exhausted," Eira says. "Maybe we should figure things out tomorrow, after everyone's had a chance to cool down."

"That's a good idea, Ei," Ty says.


No one is awake before noon the next day. Though they told themselves they would go to bed early, each had difficulties actually falling asleep. When they do finally gather in the dining room, Nes doesn't stand up to give her usual briefing. With a sigh, Ty stands instead. "How many days are there until we're safe to go back, Eira?"

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