Scene 2

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There are several knocks on the door. Elle walks in with a slightly warmer outfit and goes straight to the door with money in her hand.

Elle: If you could just slip the food through the dog door, that would be amazing. Here's your money, just keep the change.

Elle slides her money under the door.

Dan: Who am I supposed to be: the Chinese delivery person?

Elle: Who is this?

Dan: It's me, Dan. I was the guy who knocked on your door yesterday... you know, you're new neighbor.

Elle: Why are you here?

Dan: Well, you kind of left me hanging yesterday. I thought I'd talk to you today then.

Elle: Um... I'm sorry. Can you please leave? And please don't knock on my door again.

Dan: Oh... well, I guess I could yell to get your attention. I don't know. I feel like that'd cause a scene.

Elle: Don't yell through my door either. Please don't go anywhere near my door.

Dan: Okay... I mean, I guess we can talk through the walls. My kitchen wall probably connects to your kitchen wall so we can just pull up a chair and talk.

Elle: Just... don't. What do you want from me?!

Dan: Well, it's kind of lonely. Don't you think? Our neighbors aren't very friendly and especially since I'm new here, I have no one here that I know besides you. So we should talk.

Elle: Are you sure there isn't at least one neighbor who's nice? Isn't there anyone else besides me?

Dan: Shouldn't you know? It doesn't seem like you're a new to this apartment complex.

Elle: Why are you here? Really. You must have something you want to say to me. A normal person wouldn't just visit their neighbor's door to just chat, especially when they don't even open the door for them.

Dan: Can't I just talk to someone? Is it wrong for me to do that?

Elle: I don't know... Maybe?

Dan: Tell me about yourself!

Elle: What?

Dan: Okay, I'll go first then. I'm from New York. I know that's a big move, especially since I moved to this small town in Ohio, but I've always been more of a reserved person. New York was just too busy for me.

Elle: Oh... Okay?

Dan: Well, that was only part of the reason why I moved here. I actually came here because I needed to save a certain someone...

Elle: Oh, who?

Dan: Myself. I needed to save myself.

Elle: Oh... wow, um, okay.

Dan: Sorry, I got a bit too personal too soon. Tell me about yourself. What do you do?

Elle: I uh- I'm an editor. I edit documents.

Dan: Oh, is it fun?

Elle: Fun? Yeah, I guess. I mean, I don't really have any need to leave my apartment since all I have to do is get on my laptop and work.

Dan: Ah, the comforts of your own home. I see, I see.

Elle: (pause) Dan... thanks for coming to visit. It's... It's been a while since I've talked to someone. It's a nice change.

Dan: Hey Elle-

Several knocks are heard.

Elle: Dan?

Chinese Delivery Person: I have an order for Elle Pearson?

Elle: Oh, um, yes, this is she.

Chinese Delivery Person: Are you going to open the door?

Elle: The money should be on the ground. Just put the food through the dog door please.

Chinese Delivery Person: Excuse me?

Elle: Just put the food through the dog door and take the money.

A sack of food is put through the dog door. Elle picks up the bag and looks through her food.

Dan: So what'd you get?

Elle: Oh my gosh! You scared me. You're still here?

Dan: Yeah, I am. I should probably go let you eat though. It was nice talking to you today.

Elle: Yeah, it was nice. I enjoyed it.

Dan: So does that mean I don't have to yell through a wall?

Elle: I don't know. We'll see.

Dan: Well, go enjoy your food. Oh! But at least read me your fortune cookie.

Elle: My fortune cookie? Do you really believe in those?

Dan: Just do it.

Elle: Okay, I guess.

Elle opens her fortune cookie.

Elle: A storm is brewing. Brace yourself for change. Wow, well, there was a pretty nasty rainstorm about a week ago. My power went out for almost 8 hours and I had to re-edit my last document all over again.

Dan: Yeah... Well, I'm going to get going. Have a nice meal.

Elle: Bye.

Elle grabs her food and exits off SL. Soft, incoherent whispers are heard as light goes to blackout.

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