Scene 5

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The light goes back up and Elle swings the door open on SR. She rushes out, closing the door behind her and takes a deep breath. Elle looks around, realizing how cold it is outside. She also looks around with wide eyes, as if a blind man seeing for the first time. After looking around for a few seconds, she goes up to the door on SL and waits a few seconds before knocking on the door.

Voice: Muffled. Coming.

The door opens and an elder person appears in pajamas.

Neighbor: Can I help you?

Elle: Dan? Wait, you don't sound like... Oh... I'm sorry. I thought you were... um, do you know Dan?

Neighbor: Uh, sorry. I don't know a Dan. Do you have a last name?

Elle: It's okay. Never mind. I'm sorry. I must uh... I must have the wrong apartment.

Neighbor: Okay, well, have a good night miss.

The Neighbor closes the door and Elle goes back to her door with disappointment and confusion. She touches the doorknob.

Dan: Don't.

Elle: Dan?

Dan: Don't go back... you belong out there.

Elle: No, Dan! Is that-... No... No, you can't be...

Dan: You don't belong in here. Not where I am... You belong out there, in the world. Not in this box.

Elle: You mean to tell me that... you're... you're like them... you're... me?

Dan: Yes. They represent you. They represent your doubt, your fear, and even your curiosity...

Elle: No... This can't be happening. Then... then who are you, Dan?

Dan: You already know that.

Elle: You're... Strength.

Dan: It's okay. I'm still with you... No matter where you go...

Elle: Is this why I can only hear you?

Dan: Because I'm simply you who cried for help deep inside? Yes. I told you before... I came here to help myself.

Elle: No. Dan, I can't do this alone. I only thought I could face my fears because of you but now that I know you're-// not even-

Dan: // But don't you see? You already did it. You stepped out of your comfort zone. You faced your fears.

Elle: I'm scared though... I don't want to be alone...

Dan: And you won't be. Elle, like I said before, the first few steps to anything will be hard... but once you've taken those first few steps, it gets easier. Trust yourself. You won't be alone. You'll make friends, life long friends who will be there to support you. Yes, you'll go through hardships, but everyone goes through hardships. That's why you have to put yourself out in the world so you can find those people who will help you when you need help. Find the people who'll be able to make you smile, who'll lift you up, and who'll help you achieve whatever you so desire.

Elle: I don't know where to start...

Dan: ...How about seeing that sunrise you've always wanted to see?

Elle: Okay... Okay, that sounds good. I should do that... Oh, but Dan?

There is silence.

Elle: Dan?

Elle has a worried look and is about to open the door, but she stops herself. She looks up to the crowd with a bittersweet smile.

Elle: Goodbye Dan. Thank you.

She has come to accept that Dan may never speak to her again. Elle walks upstage and looks out to the crowd with a new look of confidence.

Elle: Now, to see the sunrise.

Elle exits to SR. The lights fade to black.


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