Scene 4

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The light slowly fades in. Elle is in winter clothes and walks on stage with a mug in her hand. A knock is heard on the door and Elle gives a small smile. Walking up to the door, she sits down and leans upon it.

Elle: Hey Dan, so I tried that recipe last nigh and it was really good.

Dan: How'd you know it was me?

Elle: You're the only one who visits my door everyday.

Dan: I guess. So, Elle, I was reading up on the internet...

Elle: About what?

Dan: About Agoraphobia... the fear of leaving your comfort zone...

Elle: Really? Are we going back to this again? How many times have I told you to not talk about this.

Dan: I know, but if you'd just listen-

Elle: No, you listen. I like when you come over and we talk. It's nice. It's refreshing. But every so often, you try to pull this on me and I've told you repeatedly not to do that. I don't want you to try and help me.

Dan: But I really think you have some form of Agoraphobia or something. I mean, it's not normal to stay locked up in an apartment like the way you do.

Elle: And it's not normal to always talk to someone through a door. So I guess you're not normal either.

Dan: Elle...

Elle: (pause) I know... I know it's not normal, to stay inside instead of never going out. I know I have a problem but I just... This is me. There's no point fighting it.

Dan: But there is Elle, don't you see. You have so much going for you! You could do whatever you want and you decide to stay inside this little box for the rest of eternity? Elle, you have a beautiful life ahead of you, you just need to take it. You can't do that behind closed doors.

Elle: Just stop. You know I'm not going to go outside, so stop trying.

Dan: I can't stop, because I know you're more than this. I know you hate being locked up inside. I know you want out, you just don't know how. You don't know the first steps, and maybe that's why I'm here, to help you take those first steps. Don't you know? The first steps are always the hardest, but once you take those steps, it'll be easier. Trust me Elle, I know you can overcome this fear. All you have to do is turn the doorknob, open the door, and come outside. That's it.

Elle: You expect too much. I can't do this. When I bought this apartment, I swore to myself that I would never leave. This world is just too cruel and scary.

Dan: But Elle!

Elle: Please... just go away. I don't want to listen to you.

Dan: But!

Elle: I said GO!

There's silence, and then Elle gets up and stumbles over to her desk. Elle hides her head and starts to cry. Girl 1 enters SL and stands behind Elle with a hand on her shoulder for comfort.

Girl 1: Dan just doesn't understand, does he? I mean, how could someone push you like that? Some nerve.

Elle looks around. She doesn't see the girl, but she hears her voice.

Elle: Oh god, I'm hearing voices now.

Girl 1: I just want you to know that nothing is wrong with you. You're perfectly healthy and you shouldn't be listening to this Dan.

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