Scene 3

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Lights come back up. Elle is seen in an autumn outfit and is typing on the computer. A knock is heard. Elle looks up, sighs, and closes her laptop. Heading over to the door, she sits down on the step and leans against the door.

Elle: Is this... Dan?

Dan: Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

Elle: I still don't know why you visit my door. I never open it for you.

Dan: That's okay. You don't have to open the door... yet.

Elle: -laughs- Yet? I don't think I'll open this door ever. You shouldn't waste your time on me. You should be going out and living your life and-//

Dan: \\ Well, why don't you ever come outside. Why do you lock yourself in?

Elle: What?

Dan: There must be a reason why you stay inside. I've actually been reading something about this issue where people who stay inside-//

Elle: \\ What is this? I don't think you should be telling me this, especially since you don't even know who I am.

Dan: I only know what you've let me known, but that's life. You know, maybe you stay inside because you're scared.

Elle: Scared? This is ridiculous. Dan, I think you should leave now.

Dan: So you're scared... what made you so scared to go out-//

Elle: // I am not scared Dan! Don't just assume crap like that. I am not afraid to go outside.

Dan: Then why won't you open the door?

Elle angrily reaches for the doorknob, but once she has her hand around it, she cannot bring herself to turn it open. Dan waits for her to open the door, and doesn't say anything until Elle lets out a frustrated cry and turns away from the door.

Dan: What are you scared of?

Elle: I don't know, okay? I just, I don't know.

The phone rings. Elle takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

Elle: The phone is ringing it.

Dan: Okay... Bye Elle.

Elle leaves the door, walking downstage to her desk and picks up the phone. Since the phone is more SL, the mom will enter SR. Mom will walk in with a cell phone.

Mom: Elle? What have I told you about calling me? How long has it been since I've heard your voice. You really do need to keep more in touch with me dear.

Elle: Mom...

Mom: Ah, well never mind about that dear. I just called because I have some big news for you. Oh, it's such good news. I'm getting married again, and oh, I swear, he is so much better than the last three guys. How great is this? You'll finally have a dad in your life again. He'll be so much better, I am telling you. Oh, but I should let you know that we're moving south. He wants to be closer to his family and well, how could I say no? He is such a family man, and oh, I'm sure you'll love being south. It's so much warmer than Ohio.

Elle: But mom... my job...

Mom: Ugh, that job of yours. I don't think it'll matter Hun, all you do is sit inside and edit. Like, really dear, what kind of job is that? You need to get out more. Oh, that reminds me, down south, we'll be able to go to the beach and-// have-

Elle: // Mom! I don't want to move.

Mom: Don't be ridiculous. Of course you do. I know you finally got settled into your new apartment a year ago, but the only reason why we moved up here was because of my last husband. I still don't understand how he could deal with the winter.

Elle: But mom-// I don't want-

Mom: // Oh gosh, Elle, I'm sorry. I have to go, I need to go and call the caterer. I hope you come to the wedding unlike last time; it'd be a shame if you didn't. Mommy loves you. I sent you an invite so you should get it in the mail soon. Bye sweetie!

Elle: But!

The mom is exiting SR as Elle says this, and she realizes that her mom had hung up on her. Elle mutters "Thanks mom" as she hangs up the phone and exits SL. The lights slowly go to blackout and louder whispers are heard until complete blackout.

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