Thank you's

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The phone-mask guy nodded. "Yes. Yes, it's Scott." He bent down a bit more. "(Y/N), are you alright? He didn't harm you?" he inquired again. 

"N-No...No, I'm fine." You clench your hands, trying to stop the trembling. "I'll be okay. J-Just a little shaken..."

The tall man looks at you with sympathy, "I'm taking you to the hospital to make sure."

You were quick to shake your head. "Thank you Scott, but that won't be necessary..." You placed a hand over his which was still on your shoulder, "...really."

"(Y/N), I can't just let you go after something like that. There could be complications..." He searched your eyes to find a hard truth- you couldn't pay any medical bills. Not when it may not even be necessary to go to the hospital. He sighs, knowing he couldn't force you. "Do you have anyone home? Family or a... significant other or...or a pet?"

"Yes, I do. My grandmother and my younger cousins..."

Scott nodded and softly escorted you to his car. "I'm taking you home. It's safer than having you go by yourself." This time you didn't decline his offer. When seated in the passenger's side of the vehicle, Scott did as he said. He asked for directions, which you gave to him, and set off en route.

It was a tense drive. Your mind was racing as the events played out in your head over and over again. The "what if" 's started haunting you as you thought of all the tragic ways things could've ended.

Your eyes flickered to the driver's seat. It was impossible to see Scott’s face, but the hands clenching the steering wheel to where they colour white and his worried-calm aura spelled it out for you: he was stressing over you.


The phone turns your way ever so slightly. “Yes?”

A sudden sting in the eyes causes you to blink a few tears into existence. They travel down your cheeks to your chin. “Thank you.”

The car slowly came to a standstill. Your uncle and aunt's house was to your left, right behind Scott. He brought you home as promised.

“No thanks needed (Y/n). Just...promise me you'll be okay?”

“...I promise."


Your body shook...

You felt the pavement under your palms… The hard surface was supporting your spine and shoulder blades…

You were definitely on your back.

Two arms clutched your biceps.



You were the first to sit upright, a trembling Fitzgerald following seconds later. All noise was shut out as you stared down the street over his shoulder. The vehicle which almost ran you over had sped on, the driver not even bothering to look back. Jeremy tried to say something, you could tell, but nothing managed to escape him. You felt numb as the dread of what could have happened settled.

Bystanders gathered around. Some were on their phones, calling for help. Others were either coming to your aid or just looking on, unsure of what to do.

None of this reached you.

All that made it through your dazed mind was the image of the young man who was gripping your arms as if his own life depended on it. Jeremy's entire body quivered, yet his face held something of a determined bravery.

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