Chapter 9

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"Son of a -- Goddess, I suppose," you cursed. "Loki! Wake up!"

Your demands were, of course, pointless. You needed to know whether he had passed out from pain, blood loss, or shock. His vitals needed checked immediately, but. . .

You felt an instinctive hesitance about touching your skin directly to his. 

Is this seriously the time for petty dislike? you thought angrily at yourself, for his crimes against earth did indeed seem petty at this point. If he dies, you're as good as dead too. And so may be the case that the world is also doomed.

You took a shaky breath, steeling yourself as you slid your glove off of your right hand. You pressed two fingers against against his neck, expecting something to happen, but not quite knowing what. 

Nothing did. 

His pulse was rapid. You cursed, leaning down and putting your ear close to his mouth, listening. His breath was coming in shallow, quick bursts. Not good. Perhaps the injury was more serious than you had originally thought. I need some freaking light, you thought angrily, looking upward. Are you really going to let him die? After all this? Thanks for nothing, Fate. 

Your mouth felt dry. Loki's breathing suddenly quieted. You cursed again, putting the back of your hand over his mouth to feel for air currents. He wasn't breathing. You cursed some more, vehemently. 

CPR, then? You had never had to do that to anyone before. You were not looking forward to practicing with a dying god in a practically black cell.  Would it even work on an Asgardian? 

You had no time to think. You pressed your mouth against his. And something came alive in your mind, like a computer turning on, flaring up with lights and fans. 

His Light was dim. You could almost physically see it. It was so accessible. So touchable. The solution to preserving his life became obvious to you, and you wondered how you had ever forgotten it in the first place. If a fire was dying, you gave it more fuel. 

You Breathed. White-blue energy passed from your Light into his, renewing his strength, reviving it. His eyes came open, like two torches struck in the darkness. Briefly, the blaring shine of white light radiating from his eyes lit the cell. 

You pulled away, aware of feeling drained.

 Loki shuddered violently for a moment, then laid still, eyes falling shut again. You leaned down to listen to his breath, fingers finding the pulse on his neck. His vitals were miraculously normal. You ran your hand over the wound in his stomach, and found scabbed-over flesh.

You stared for a moment. The odd clarity that you had felt before vanished, leaving you wondering how in hell you had just done that. You weren't even sure you knew what 'that' was. You felt cold, and very fatigued. 

 Letting out a small breath, you collapsed down next to him. 


Loki awoke to blackness. 

Not shocking, considering the cell didn't have any illumination save that minuscule torch that hung near the entrance. He laid still for a moment, clouded brain trying to gauge what imminently life-threatening event was supposed to be taking place. 

  Ah, yes. He'd been run through by a spear the girth of his fist.

Now aware of the injury, he mentally sought out the pain. It did not come. Slowly, he raised a hand and felt his stomach where his clothing had been cut away. The flesh felt sore and crusty, like a scabbing scar. What's more, there was an odd burning in his chest; not painful, but just. . . hot. He realized his hands were trembling.

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