Chapter 3

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'I hope they like it.' You thought to yourself.

And like it they did. To say you were shocked about how openly they cried over the food you had made would have been an understatement. Even Law was on the verge of tears.

'What were they eating before I joined to cause this big of a reaction?' Your mind drifted back to yesterday's tour and the suspicious black lumps in the trash. You shivered, happy you would never have to know.

After Lunch and some light conversation with some of the friendlier crew you set to work on cleaning the dishes from Lunch. Upon entering the Kitchen though you find that the dishes had already been washed, dried and put away. You wished you knew who to thank for the help.

You sighed rubbing your sore shoulder. 'Might as well go let Davy know I'm not going back anymore.' You thought heading out of the Kitchen and to your room.

As you were rounding the corner almost to your room the ship jerked and you collided with what felt like a wall. Picking yourself up slightly and rubbing your nose you take a look at what, or rather who, you ran into. Penguin sat on the floor under you as you straddled his waist.

A deep crimson blush spread all over you as you tried to get up off of him, only for the ship to lurch again, forcing you to fall again and plant his face to your chest.

"Oh God! I'm sorry!" You exclaimed pulling back. "Are you okay? What is happening with the ship?" You were slightly frantic at the sight of Penguin's bloody nose.

"I'm fine. But you don't appear to have your sea legs yet." He said catching you by the waist before you landed backwards and smashed your head when the ship made another lurch. Penguin picked you up princess style and began walking towards the bridge. "As for what's happening? Let's find out."

Before we could reach the bridge though we ran into Shachi who had the answer. We were setting sail early. The Heart Pirates were under attack by the Donquixote Pirates. Your blood ran cold upon hearing the name and your grip tightened on Penguin.


It was an easy escape from the enemy, considering they couldn't track the ship underwater. You regretted not giving Davy a proper goodbye before you left. So here you sat in your bed, huddled under the covers and hiding from the world.

You weren't sure how long you cried in the dark but after awhile loud knocking came from you door. You didn't answer hoping whoever it was would just go away. Did they? Nope. They proceeded to open the door and walk right on in. You heard the door shut behind whoever it was and quiet footsteps walk closer. A dip in the mattress beside you, was the indication they had sat down.

"Davy was the one who warned us." You recognized that it was Law who spoke. "He asked me to tell you to run." There was silence for a moment before he continued. "As your Captain... I need to know, why?"

You closed your eyes trying to shut out the flood of horrors that attempted to invade your mind. You knew Law had every right to know. You also knew he would probably throw you overboard the moment he found out the truth.


Taking a deep breath you sat up and let the blanket fall away from you. Your amber eyes searched the darkness for any hint of danger before responding.

"My mother... she... she was raped.... and... well that's how I came about." You took a shaky breath. "The man who raped her..." Choking on sobs you found yourself pulled into Law's lap. You tried to push away only for him to hold you tighter.

"It's not your fault." He stated void of any emotion.

You shook your head. "You'll hate me."

"I won't whatever your past, you're a member of my crew, and that makes you my responsibility." He said while rubbing soothing circles on your back. "I still don't understand what your birth has to do with Doflamingo and his men though." You stiffened at the mention of Doflamingo. This reaction did not go unnoticed.

"My.... My" By this time you were shaking in terror. The memory of a giant of a man towering over you and the corpse of your mother. Smiling and covered in blood.

"You don't have to continue. I won't make you." Law said as he rocked you reassuringly. "I won't let that bastard anywhere near you."

You cried yourself to sleep and finally remembered where you had seen Law's smile before. You had seen it on Corazon. When he had smuggled you away from Doflamingo's clutches and into the safety of Davy's.


When you finally ventured from your room, you found the ship was quiet. You figured everyone must have been sleeping. Law had left your room after you had calmed down and fallen asleep. You made a mental note to apologize for your break down later.

Using the wall for support you made your way to the kitchen. As you opened the door you collided with someone and began falling backwards, only to be caught by the waist again. Looking up you saw that it was Penguin who had saved you from a pretty nasty concussion.... again.

"We have gotta stop meeting like this." He teased blushing slightly. You smile awkwardly with a blush of your own.

"I'm sorry. I was just coming for a glass of tea." You meekly said resting your head against his chest. "Why is it so quiet?"

Penguin guided you into the kitchen letting the door swing shut behind you both. When you were sitting safely on the stool he turned to poor a glass of iced tea. You raised a brow silently asking him again.

"Everyone is asleep right now except Cap'n Law, myself and you. It's actually midnight right now." Penguin answered nervously.

After a moment of silence you looked away from your crush and asked quietly, "Did he tell you?"

"He didn't have to." Penguin responded almost too quietly for you to hear. You look back at him to see him staring down at his feet in shame.

"What do you mean?"

Penguin shuffled in place. "I went to your room to see if you were okay...when I saw Cap' enter your room." He swallowed hard. "I wasn't intending on eavesdropping. Im sorry." He looked up at you apologetically. You could feel tears pricking at your eyes. Penguin started sweating bullets and panicking trying to keep you from crying, when Law walked in.

"What are you doing?" Law asked through a yawn. You quickly wiped the tears away. Penguin seemed to freeze in place. "Shachi and Jean are on duty now so you can go to bed." He said turning to leave before pausing. "Oh, don't leave (y/n) alone for the next 48 hours. Doctors orders."

This seemed to snap Penguin into action. "Wait! Wouldn't another female be better? I mean...
well...... uh yes sir." A glare from Law was all it took to quiet the nervous goofball.

'He must hate me now.' You thought to yourself sadly as Penguin guided you from the kitchen and back to your room.

Once the door was shut you burst into another fit of tears. Leaving the male beside you dumbfounded.


Penguin had just shut the door when the sound of sobbing filled his ears. Turning to look at you he was surprised to see you breaking down right in front of him.

'Should I go get Law? She likes him right? I probably scare her.' He thought to himself. He was about to turn and get the captain when you leaned into his chest and holding yourself tightly. Hesitantly, as if afraid he might break you, he wrapped his arms around you. You flung your arms around him burying yourself further into his chest. Penguin instinctively tightened his hold on you.

"Please don't hate me." You begged through your sobs. Penguin only held you tighter.

"I could never hate you." He whispered into your ear. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you over to the bed and got you both situated under the covers and turned out the lights. You fell back to sleep snuggled close to Penguin's chest.

'Why does she want me?' Penguin thought before falling asleep himself.

A Reason to Live (Penguin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now