Chapter 5

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(Law's POV because I can Dammit)

Law woke up to pounding on his bedroom door. He was tired from his night shift and wanted to continue his time in bed. But alas, he was Captain of this ship and he was responsible for those onboard. 

This better be fucking important.’ He thought angrily as he slipped from his warm bed and to the door. ‘Whomever is banging at this ungodly hour better have a damn good explanation.’ 

Swinging the door open and finding Shachi with the rest of the crew behind him, minus you and Penguin. All of them deep shades of red. Shachi had his fist pulled back ready to beat on the door once more. 

“C-captain! Help!” The redhead stuttered out. He was obviously flustered to which Law just quirked an eyebrow encouraging some explanation. 

“PENGUIN DID SOMETHING TO (Y/N)!!!” Bepo shouted crying. 

A smug grin crossed Law's face as he chuckled darkly. “Oh is that all?” He questioned rather too relaxed for his crew. 

They were too bewildered by his response to think coherently as they all started to freak out at once. Thus eliciting more dark laughter from him. 

So my evil plan worked. Hopefully this will help them both.’ He thought ignoring the crew. ‘Though this noise may wake the lovebirds.’

“Room.” He spoke firmly still slightly giddy from his evil plans for his crew as more continued to form. “Shambles.”

Parts of the crew started flying around the hall as they all quieted down. They adored their Captain, he knew that, they also feared their Captain, which he also knew. He wasn't known as the Surgeon of Death for nothing. 

“Relax. I was hoping something might happen between those two. And if you wake them up I will shoot you out of a torpedo tube.” Law speaks quietly with a very clear edge to his voice. He released them once they had all nodded their heads in silent agreement. Once everyone was put back together Law turned away in an attempt to go back to his warm bed.

“So you wanted them to fuck?” Shachi asked stopping Law in his tracks. 


“Why didn't you warn us so we could have steered clear?” The redhead asked a little miffed.

Law had intended to urge a relationship between the two of you and expected maybe a heated make-out session or some screaming between the two of you. He had completely underestimated the power hormones had over a teenage body.

“Oh. Yea.” Law said contorting his face into that of one of amusement again before turning to the redhead. On seeing his amused expression everyone began heading either back to bed or off to their daily chores. Not Shachi and Bepo though. No they knew when their Captain was lying to them. They had known him too long not to know.

‘Shit!’ He knew they weren't fooled. Were they ever? Law sighed and stepped to the side motioning for them to enter his room. To which they quickly did before he changed his mind. Law shut his door firmly behind them.

“Why?!” Both Bepo and Shachi whispered harshly in unison. That was definitely new. Normally it would be Penguin who was in sync with the redhead while the white fuzzball apologized. Law smirked at their unnatural behaviour.

“Ok I forgot about hormones. But the result is the same. This way they can get over what's eating them up inside and also have someone who truly understands.” Law deadpanned as he flopped on his bed lazily.

Bepo seemed lost as he just stared at the floor. Shachi facepalmed the moment Law had uttered, forgot about hormones.

“Sex isn't the answer.” Shachi deadpanned. “What the hell made you think this was okay? What if she hurts Penguin? He doesn't need anymore heartbreak.” 

Law's gaze darkened as he sat up and explained, first about your childhood then about your family and finally about how you had fallen in love with the birdbrain and had no idea how to show him. Shachi looked more and more guilty at doubting you by the second. When Law finished a deafening silence filled the room.

“So maybe sex was the answer.” Shachi groaned sliding his fingers under his hat and combing his hair.

Law just shrugged on response. Bepo seemed to have finally understood everything and was crying and mumbling apologies. 

“So you two up for a bit of matchmaking?” Law asked his evil grin returning.

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