Chapter 6

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It was the banging down the hall that awoke Penguin from his dreams. He wanted to fucking kill whoever was tearing him away from his dreams of you. Groaning he pulled the pillow he was holding closer to his chest, earning a squeak in displeasure. Slowly he blinked his tired eyes open focusing on what, or rather who, he was holding.

The sight of you sleeping fully unclothed in his arms had his mind reeling and a blush creeping up his face. He slowly pieced the events back together in his mind. The silence making his blush deepen. Wait silence? Penguin listened intently to what was happening outside again.

“So you wanted them to fuck?” He heard Shachi say. That's all he heard as his mind started freaking out about the whole crew knowing what they did just moments ago. He could still feel both of your bodily fluids moist and warm on his skin. 

‘Shit! Now what?! Law is going to kill me! We didn't even use protection!’ He thought his gaze looking wildly around the room before landing on your sleeping face. He could feel your warm breath ghost over his exposed chest sending shivers down his spine.

Fuck it! She's mine! And if Law has a problem with it oh well.’ He thought brushing strands of your hair gently out of your face. Your eyes fluttered open as your amber eyes looked surprised and then lovingly into his own icy blue.


You woke as you felt the gentle touch of someone brushing your hair from your face. Your eyes fluttered open to see who was bothering your wonderful dreams. To say you were surprised at looking into Penguin's beautiful icy blue eyes right as you woke up would be an understatement.

Your mind instantly flashed to what you had thought had all been a dream. The warm sticky liquid on your lower body said otherwise.

“It wasn't a dream?” You questioned happily as tears flowed from your eyes once more.

Penguin gently reached out to wipe the tears away. A soft smile graced his lips as he leaned in to kiss you. Your eyes slid shut as you leaned back and he rolled on top of you. The kiss was long and loving.

“No babe, this isn't a dream.” Penguin spoke as he pulled back resting on his forearms to look down on you with awe. “You're mine now and I will never let you go.” He stated possessively resting his forehead on yours so you had to look him dead in the eyes while he said it.

His claim made you blush profusely. He made you feel wanted. That you were needed. 

It's your fault. It's all your fault.

The memory floated up hurting you once more. Your mother killed herself because of you. How could someone as amazing as Penguin ever love you?

“What's wrong?” He seemed to have noticed your shift in mood.

“How could you love someone like me?” 

“How could I not love you? Your amazing.” He whispers giving you a quick kiss. “If anyone should be asking that it should be me. I'm ugly and an idiot.”

Your response caught in your throat. ‘This is how Penguin saw himself?’ Your hands cupped his cheeks as you brought him into a hug.

“You goofball.” You giggle in his ear. “How could I not? Your funny, so adorably sweet, and you have the kindest heart I have ever seen.” 

Penguin pulled himself back up and looked at you with love and disbelief. “I'm not good enough for you.” He whispered.

“Yes you are. I'm the one who doesn't deserve you.” You whisper back. You are both blushing at this point as you just quietly stare into each others eyes.

“OH HELL YEAH! WE'RE IN!!” Shachi and Bepo screamed somewhere on the ship. Which brought laughter from both you and Penguin and breaking the loving moment. 

“Well that's new.” Penguin choked through his laughter.

“Aren't they always random?” You asked through your own giggles.

“Yes, but not in sync like that.” He scoffed leaning down to kiss you.

“So what could they be planning?” You hummed mischievously against his lips.

Penguin smiled as the kiss became more passionate. Your hands found their way into his hair as his wandered down to your hips to draw light designs with his fingers.


“Maybe we should go save them?” You giggled as Penguin pulled back to look at the door. 

“Yea... Law might actually do it.” He chuckled as he got up out of bed and pulling his clothes back on. You got up and did the same. Dressing in a black crop top and a pair of black high waist jeans. Slipping your boots on without lacing them and finally tying your hair up in its usual scarf. As you sat down on the bed to lace your boots Penguin snatched his hat from your bedside plopping it back on his head. 

“You ready babe?” He asked a goofy grin and a light blush were the only things you could see, but that's all you needed to feel your heart race. You nodded in response and followed him out the door. Once in the hall you could see Law angrily dragging a crying Shachi and Bepo towards them. 

“Good morning? What did they do?” You asked with a hand on your hip. 

Law froze realizing that he was caught. Hiding his eyes behind the rim of his hat he released the crying duo and went back to his room without a word. You looked back to your crew-mates to find Penguin helping them up off the floor.

“I AM SO SORRY FOR WAKING YOU GUYS!” Bepo shouted as a flood of tears sprayed from the Mink's eyes.

Penguin rolled his eye. “You didn't wake us don't worry.” 

Shachi was oddly quiet as you all made your way to the kitchens where you started on breakfast for the crew. Today you were making omelettes, bacon and sweet butter rolls. Bepo and Penguin happily tasted the food you made as you moved about the kitchen.

“Bepo do you mind letting everyone know that breakfast is ready?” You asked when the cooking was done. “Can I get you boys to move the food to the dining hall?” You asked turning to the other two men.


“So you slept with her?” Shachi asked as he and Penguin were placing food out in the dining room.

The question almost made Penguin drop the plate of rolls he was holding. He turned 5 shades of red before Shachi continued.

“Everyone but Law heard you both last night.” The redhead said with a shrug. 

“W-what?” Penguin at this point was breaking out in a cold sweat.

“Is it serious?” Shachi asked nonchalantly.

Penguin willed himself to calm down. After a moment and a few calming breaths later he responded with the a simple nod. Shachi quirked his eyebrow in disbelief.

“Yeah, it is.” He said his goofy grin returning as he thought about what you told him just a little bit ago. 

Shachi seemed to approve of the answer this time. And it was a good thing too because the rest of the crew was arriving for breakfast.

A Reason to Live (Penguin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now