Chapter 8

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It had been a month since you joined the Heart Pirates, and subsequently found love in a goofball crewmate. Law had made it clear he hated bread after that first Breakfast. Though you had found ways to trick him into eating tiny amounts of it. Such as croutons in the salad or tortilla in the chimichangas. You had told Penguin about it, and Sachi had overheard, one day. Both of them seemed to find it hilarious. Especially since Law never seemed to notice.


It was about 3am. Most of the ship was still fast asleep. You hadn't been feeling well for the last few days so Penguin had officially moved into your room. He was always spending his nights in your bed anyway. 

You gently got up without waking your lover and went to the bathroom to freshen up. For the first time in days you were feeling hungry. You looked at yourself in the mirror and groaned. Your reflection made you want peanut butter and oranges.

So you quietly dressed into one of Penguin's oversized t-shirts and a pair of shorts before padding your way to the kitchen for a light snack. Law was there nursing a cup of tea when you entered. He seemed to be deep in thought.

"Morning Law." You hummed grabbing a jar of peanut butter and an orange.

"Good morning…. What are you doing?" He questioned as you peeled the orange and covered chunks of it in peanut butter.

"Just having a snack." You replied with a shrug.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Not really. But I am hungry so I guess that's progress."

"Oh God." Law facepalmed.

"What?" You asked confused.

"Please tell me you and Penguin used contraceptives?" 

A deep blush ran across your face. "What? Why do you…….oh God. I thought getting pregnant on the first try was impossible" 

"That is a myth. It only takes once." Law groaned. 

"Am I gonna have to leave?" You started tearing up.

"No! That would only put you in danger and who knows what your dad might do if he finds you."

At that moment Shachi came in.

Shachi POV

Shachi walked into the kitchen thinking he'd grab some water and head back to bed. What he wasn't expecting to find was his Capitan glaring at his tea cup like it had insulted him and you crying and nursing an orange covered in Peanut butter. 

"Uh.. Am I interrupting something." He asked suspiciously. The question only making you cry harder. To which Law ran away leaving Shachi alone and stupified. You sobbed and ate your strange snack refusing to answer.

'What the hell is going on?' Shachi wondered silently as he slowly approached you.

"(Y/n)?" He called softly as he sat beside you.

You looked at him teary eyed before rushing to the sink and vomiting.

'Nope not my problem.' He thought rushing out and to your room. He pulled Penguin from the bed and dragged his sleepy and confused friend to the kitchen. You were still bent over the sink dry heaving. 

"What is wrong with her?" Shachi panicked.

Penguin POV

He ignored his friend as he rushed over to you and helped pull your hair back. His free hand rubbing gentle circle in your back. Law seemed to appear on your other side. With a medical cup. 

"When your done I need you to pee in this." He stated.

"What do you think is wrong with her?" Penguin asked concern riddling his tone.

"I'm hoping she's just sick." Law replied cryptically.

"Wait… no way…" Shachi snickered.

"What?" Penguin asked in annoyance.

Law remained silent so Shachi answered instead.

"Dude she might be pregnant." 

And with that you took the cup out of Law's hand and ran back to your bathroom.

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