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"Tell me you're joking

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"Tell me you're joking." You slammed your backpack on the table as you looked across at your friend.
"I'm as serious as your mother when you don't clean your room."

You let out a groan of dissatisfaction, letting your head smack against the table two times before you just keep it in a frozen position.
"You alright?" Your head snaps up and you send a deadly glare at your friend.
"Do I look alright? I have to do litter duty for the next fucking week! Me? Litter duty?"

Your friend rolls her eyes, popping another grape into her mouth.
"You'll live. All you have to worry about is your partner."
"Do you know who else is on litter duty too?" You ask, the fact that you've given up completely on arguing evident in your voice.
"Who the fuck is that?" Your eyes dart across the cafeteria at a student eating away at their lunch, your stomach suddenly growling.

"He's a music major and apparently he's got the voice of an angel." The sentence that was just said goes into one ear and out the other as your mind is clouded with the thought of food.
"Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow, good luck!"
"Good luck to me..." You mutter, slamming your forehead against the lunch table for the nth time.


Your face scrunches up in dissatisfaction as you look down at the ugly neon orange vest which has the words 'litter duty' written boldly across it.
You take a sniff of the worn out looking material and then immediately regret doing so.
"Why is it always me?" You ask having a fit as you shake your arms about crazily.
"You should've thought twice about that before deciding to cheat on the maths test." Your teacher bluntly states, handing you a litter picker and a black bin bag.
"Now, if you're so keen to leave then get the job over and done with quickly."

The teacher leaves you alone in the similar to a pig-sty cafeteria with your mouth hanging open. You let out a cry of despair before your eyes land on a male figure slowly cleaning away wearing an exact replica of your vest.
"Great." Your whisper, sluggishly dragging your feet to start cleaning up.

"You missed a bit."
Annoyed, you look up to see the so called chan looking down at an Apple core.
"I purposely didn't pick it up." Chan furrows his eyebrows and pouts cutely.
"Why not?" You sigh and carry on picking the litter, avoiding his question.
"Why are you on litter duty? Aren't you meant to be a goody two shoes?" You blurt, not realising how rude you were sounding.
"Is that what you think I am?" You smack a hand to your mouth and look at Chan with wide eyes, making him lightly chuckle.
"I actually volunteered." You drop your hand and un-tense shoulders, squinting at Chan.
"My point proven." You mutter again : a habit that you seemed to have.

"Think what you like. But not all of us have time to party around and update social media every second." You gasp, feeling overly offended at what you just heard.
"You—" Chan turns around humming a song.
"Hey!" You call out, but China already dumped his full bin bag next to four other ones and grabs his backpack to leave.
"HEY!" You yell, resorting to having your third fit of the day.

"Cute." Chan whispers, giving you the side eye.

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