Unplanned Meet & Greet

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A/N: In this story, the accords were settled not long after the movie. Also, Homecoming as happened already. The tower was re-bought and named Avengers Tower. All the Avengers live there.

Peter was bouncing off the walls with excitement to get to the Avengers Tower. Literally, he was jumping from ceiling to walls and to the ceiling again. He was staying the weekend with Mr. Stark this weekend and was excited to work on his suit. Even though he was still cut off from most of the tower because Mr. Stark didn't want him meeting the Avengers, he was excited.

Finally, the bell rang and Peter ran out of the empty study hall, glad he had the last period to himself. He went straight to Happy's car and got in the back quickly saying his hellos before beginning to ramble about how excited he was to go. Happy would never admit it, but he had grown to like the kid and his rambling. Happy let the kid ramble his way to the tower, only stopping him once they got there to remind him to go in the back entrance and take the private elevator to Tony's lab.

Peter ran inside, scanning his badge and greeting Friday. He went up the elevator quickly and said hello to Tony, sitting down next to him and rambling about school as he set to work upgrading Karen so she could better understand his emotions.

After a couple of hours, Peter had a snack and told Mr. Stark he was going on patrol. Without thinking he put on his suit, still holding his mask in his hand planning on putting it on right before swinging out the window. He walked out in the commons, not planning on all the Avengers being there.

Peter heard collective confused and annoyed noises. He looked up and jumped to the ceiling, very surprised to see the Avengers sitting in the room, all staring at him.

"H-h-hey, I didn't think anyone was in here...s-sorry"

The Avengers all got to there feet, about to question the boy about who he was when a very angry Tony Stark came in.

"Kid! What did I say about not going in here? Now get off the ceiling before you get hurt"

Peter jumped down quickly and landed next to Stark.

"Sorry Mr. Stark, I got over excited to go on patrol."

"It's okay kid, just go. Queens is waiting. I'll deal with the questions."

Peter nodded excitedly and swung out the window while Tony began.

"Okay, guys, one at a time."

"How old is he?!"

"Is he yours?"

"Why is he here?"

"I threw my shield at a kid!"

"Why did you bring a kid into our war?!"

Tony sighed loudly and whistled to grab everyone's attention.

"He is 15. No, he is not mine. He is here for the weekend while his aunt is out of town. I know bringing him into our war was wrong. But the kid already was spider-man when I found him. I gave him better equipment so he wouldn't get himself killed. Now all of you better be nice, he's been through a lot yet stays happy and bubbly. Don't ruin that."

The Avengers all nod and go silent, until Natasha speaks up.

"So, what's his name?"

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