Stop Trying To Set Us Up!

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A/N: Guess who's back?! Yep, I'm finally over my sickness! Now, have this thing


Peter laid across his bed with his arms stretched out above his head, holding his phone over his face. His heart was pounding with excitement. He was talking to his boyfriend of 2 years, Harley Keener. They had only met in person a few months ago when Tony Stark had introduced them. Harley was coming to visit this weekend, and Peter was so excited. Of course Tony thought Peter just was friends with Harley, not that they had been dating since before Tony even formally introduced them. 

Peter set down his phone and jumped off his bed, ready to go greet Harley as soon as he left the elevator. They couldn't kiss till later when everyone was gone. (And when they convinced Friday not to tell on them.) 

Peter threw his phone in his pocket and zoomed out the door, not holding back on his superspeed. He crashed into Bucky on the way, who didn't even have the time to ask what had him so excited before Peter was gone. Peter came to a skidding halt in the living room and began to stare at the elevator.

"Relax Peter, giving the elevator a death stare is not gonna make him get here faster."

"Doesn't mean I can't try!"

Peter continued to death stare the elevator for two minutes before he heard the ding that nearly made him squeal. The doors opened and Peter was pouncing, rushing to see Harley. He had to hold back his kisses, knowing it would give him away immediately. He and Harley did a quick handshake before rushing off to his room so they could do a real greeting. While he and Harley did that, the other Avengers were left behind in the living area, plotting. 

"We have to get those two together."

"Well duh."

"They would make such a cute couple!"

"But how do we do it?"

"I bet a movie night would do it! Make sure they cuddle with each other and that there romantic movies."

"We could all go to bed early so they have time alone and then we could watch them on the cameras!"

"Sounds perfect. Now we just need a name for our plot."

"Operation nerd love."

"Oh hell yeah!"


Meanwhile, Peter and Harley had moved to the lab and had already started making a new robot. Tony strolled in whistling. They knew something was up.

"Soooo, the team is thinking we'll do a movie night tonight."

"Ummm, okayyyy. What's for dinner?"

"Pizza, everyone's too lazy to cook."

"Make sense. Now shoo, we're working."

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving."

Harley turns to Peter as Tony leaves the room, a small smirk on his face. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"That they want us to get together? Yeah. I've heard them whispering about it."

"What? That's not what I was thinking. I was just thinking we should get Hawaiian pizza."

"Well, that's also true. But we should probably put an end to their plots."

"Nah. Let them have fun, they're getting old and need some entertainment."

"You better be glad Friday doesn't record these conversations or you'd have about 4 Avengers on you right now."

"Yeah, whatever."


Peter and Harley ate their Hawaiian pizza in the lab but were eventually dragged out by the other Avengers for the movie night. The other Avengers all claimed fatigue and left a half an hour in, which didn't surprise the two boys at all. They simply watched the rest of the movie and went to bed, fully aware that the others were watching them on the cameras the whole time. 

The next morning, the Avengers held another meeting. 

"They didn't do anything!"

"2 hours and they hardly touched!"

"Okay okay, everyone calm down. Clearly we need a new plan."

"What about a game of truth or dare?"

"That sounds perfect! We can ask them about their crushes and dare them to kiss and stuff!"

"Okay, it's on then. Truth or dare after lunch."


Peter and Harley both gobble down their lunches, hoping to be able to go to the mall and look at the puppies in the pet store before the Avengers pulled them into their next set up, but alas, they were forced into a game of truth or dare.

"Okay, Peter you're first! Truth or dare?"

Peter rolls his eyes but begrudgingly answers


"Who is your biggest crush?"

Peter rolls his eyes again, completely unamused. He glances at Harley, who seems to be enjoying it much more than he is.

"The boogie man, I don't know. Whatever. Someone else go."

"Fine. Harley, it's your turn. Truth or dare?"

Harley snickered, finding this funny and not understanding why Peter was annoyed. 

"Hmmm, dare."

"Okay. I dare you to kiss Peter. On the lips."

Harley bursts out laughing, while Peter is ready to explode. Through his giggles, Harley manages to spit out,

"You guys don't have to set us up you know, we're already dating."



"Too bad! We've been dating for two years already! We met before you even introduced us!"

At this point, everyone, including Peter, had begun laughing. The Avengers were almost embarrassed that they hadn't noticed already, Tony was pissed at Friday for not telling him, and Harley and Peter were just happy that they could finally kiss in front of their family. 

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