Peter's Service Dog Part 2

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It had been a month since Peter had started taking Evie to school with him, and it was slowly getting better. His teachers were getting better about ignoring Evie and most of the students stop staring. He still got picked on by Flash and his goons, but Ned and MJ were good about sticking up for him. Evie was yet to make a large mistake, just a few slight heel breaks and overexcited alerts. He worked with her a lot at home, making sure she could stay in long down stays. By the end of the first week, he had stopped panicking every morning and was getting in a routine. Then came a substitute.

Peter walked to class like normal, Evie trotting by his side. He gave the dogs ear a scratch and went through the door and to his seat, excepting it to be like a normal day. He didn't notice the loud cough that was the substitute trying to get his attention. He did notice the loud clap that the substitute did right next to his ears. He fell off the stool in surprise, clamping his hands over his ears. Evie jumped up and rushed over, setting her pressure down on him and nudging him with her nose. Peter managed to slow his breathing and took his hands off his ears, wincing at the noise that flooded his senses. He glanced up at the teacher, who was glaring at him. MJ was looking at him in concern, and Ned was knelt down next to him.

"What are you doing?! Get the dog out of my classroom! No pets allowed in school! And get off the floor!"

Peter tried to speak, but it only came out in stutters.


Finally, MJ spoke up, her voice laced with venom.

"That is his service dog. She is allowed to be here with him. Stop being a jackass and back off."

The teacher grumbled unhappily and walked back to his desk. Evie got up slowly and licked Peter's face. Ned helped Peter back up and into his seat after Peter said he was fine to stay in class. Evie put her head in his lap to keep him grounded while he worked on the worksheets the teacher had put on everyone's desks. Ned and MJ kept a close eye on Peter the rest of the day, and Peter thanked them profusely for helping him. 

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