Chapter Four - 3... 2... 1...

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Today was the day. Phillip suffered through the day of school, hating people calling him a female. To him and his family. he's clearly a male. But, everyone else in the world figured he was a non-curvy woman.

His father had taken his siblings to see the new Aladdin movie, he's been begging for months to see it, but he refused to back down when it came to fighting disrespectful people.

He arrived 15 minutes early and enjoyed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich his little sister made him. He sat and waited and waited. Finally it was 5:42pm and he decided to just leave and see if could catch the next showing of the Aladdin movie. When he was turning the corner out of the park he saw the guy he was supposed to fight. "Yo! Mother fucker!" The guy kept looked back at him and turned to face him, "wha- oh it's you. I'm not sorry, but my phone died yesterday and I couldn't tell what time it was".

"No excuses. I'm ready to fight".

"Ok", the guy threw down the blanket he was using to keep himself warm. He placed his duffel bag on top of it and chuckled before getting in his signature fighting stance.

Phillip lunged first and landed a hit to the guy's stomach. They started fighting like mortal enemies, when one would get the upper hand it'd shift and eventually Phillip's 5'3 short self was about to beat this 6'4 stranger.

Then. The sprinklers turned on.


They both split and ran in separate directions away from the sprinklers. "My stuff!" The guy ran back to scoop his stuff and then ran for cover again. They both stared daggers at each other before Phillip laughed and approached the guy. "I can't hate people for too long. I'm truly sorry for fucking up your leg, I know I won today but don't take this as a true loss. Tell your friends that your leg made you lose". The guy stared at him blankly, his stomach growled so loud and he sighed and turned away and sped walked away.

The things Phillip's mother told him returned to his head and he ran after the guy. "Hold up! I almost forgot, what's your name?" He was panting heavily even though he ran 11feet. "Noah".

"I'm Phillip. Noah I'd like to celebrate my win by taking us out to get some pizza. There's a store across the street and I can pay". Noah sighed and was about to reject the offer, but then he remembered how hungry he was and nodded.

The pair crossed the street and Phillip went inside. Noah wasn't allowed inside because there was a sign that wrote "no shoes. no service. no exkuses". 

Phillip came outside with 4 slices of pizza divided onto 2 plates. He gave one to Noah and they both sat on the curb munching away. As Noah finished his first slice he started to change color. "Thank you for the free food. By the way are you okay? Your face is turning green".

"I'm fine", he leaned over and puked all over the sidewalk, some of it got on his sweater but, most of it got on hands and on the sidewalk. He spat several times after he was done and groaned before laying down in his puke.

"Oh my gosh. Are you dead?" Noah got up and backed up a few inches.


He really died from eating pizza. Could it be from the fighting we did earlier? Oh my gosh I'm going to jail. They're going to give me life.

I looked down and noticed he was breathing. Did he choke? What's wrong with him? His phone went off in his pocket and the caller id said "Mommy- Birthgiver". I picked it up so fast, "baby, what do you want for dinner? You're the tie breaker between Chinese food and home cooked food", the man on the other side said. "Hello! I am not Phillip. He ate some pizza and passed out on the side walk. I don't know what to do. We're at 7100a Spring Avenue and Rainy Road!"

The person on the other side asked me can I wait with him until he arrived and I said yea and waited for 20 minutes before a speeding SUV pulled up next to us and an Asian man jumped out next to a White man. "My poor baby!" The Asian man broke down crying before he scooped up Phillip, the other guy studied me, "please come with us. You're not in any form of trouble", he said.

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