Chapter Five - mOvE

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Noah got in the car and sat down next to a pair of little kids who were arguing over who's their favorite character in Aladdin. The SUV sped to a suburban neighborhood and kept speeding until it reached the mechanical gates of a mansion on a small hill. "Wowww", he said. "Yea. All my friends say 'wow' when they come here" Toriann said as she twirled her hair around her fingers.

The car came to a stop at the entrance and Phillip's mother carried him inside and brought him out of sight. "Welcome inside. What's your name again? Nicolas?" "No. It's Noah".

"Alright, Nash. Tell me who did that to your face. Frankly, you look horrible. Don't tell my husband I said that", Phillip's father said. His father was very bad with names and it would usually take his children drilling it into his head for him to remember. "Sir. My ex's lover beat me up before I could react". He sighed and pointed to his bloody nose and a knot on his head, "your son did these to me".

"You called him a girl?"

"I called him a girl". Phillip's father broke out laughing at the poor guy. "Why'd the guy mutilate you?" 

"I'm not going to lie, me and my girlfriend were together for 6 years. She got pregnant and I defended her so I got kicked out of my parents place. Then I found out this other guy was the dad and he beat the crap out of me, I almost died". His face was red with embarrassment, saying it out loud made him sound so stupid and lame. "My son told us about you. His mother told him to bring you to us and even though he didn't, I'm glad he still brought you to us".

"Will he be ok?"

"He'll be fine. He gets really sick when he eats too many oily and fatty foods within the same time period, especially after exhausting his body. He just needs some pepto bismol and a nap and he'll be fine". Phillip's mother walked into the room, he was angry and pulled his husband to sit on the couch with him. "Noah, sit". He silently sat down on the couch across from the male couple. "I heard what you told my husband from the other room so I don't need an explanation. Will you allow us to look at you?"

"Uhhh... sure".

"Good, take off your shirt and come here. Phillip go get the first aid kit from over there". Phillip's father got up to get the first aid kit, "here, Li-Wei". Before Noah let them touch him, he just had to ask a few burning questions, "why does everyone call you mother? And both of your sons are named after you?"

Phillip's mother sighed as if it was obvious, "a definition of mother is 'give birth to' so figure it out. And he's not trans. And is it so wrong to make babies and name them after your self?"

"Uhhh... no".

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