Chapter Twenty-Three

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Published: August 4, 2019
Word Count: 2131

PD-Nim opens the door tiredly and sees them. "Oh hello, girls. What brings you by?"
SuHee holds up her laptop bag. "We need your permission to publish something on the boy's socia media. It concerns the Dispatch story."
His face grows grim at the mention of Dispatch.
"Come in, come in." He brings them into the office.
SuHee takes out the laptop and starts up the program. "I hid an audio recorder in a tie pin I put on Jungkook during the interview. I have the entirety of the actual interview and questions. It's also been typed out word for word in Korean and English."
The CEO's jaw drops. He takes the computer and scrolls through the whole thing, speed-reading.
"Oh my. This is - this is amazing!"
PD-Nim looks up at them, eyes shining. "You've saved our boys from an awful reputation. Saved yourselves, too."
SuHee shares a smile with her friend and bows to PD-Nim slightly. "That's our job. After that interviewer followed us that one night I knew they were try and mess with the interview. Do we have permission to post it tonight?"
"Yes! Certainly! You go right ahead and do what you think is needed." The man reaches across the table for a handshake.
Mina bows and shakes his hand. SuHee shakes his hand next and bows again. "Thank you again for letting us work here!"
"You're doing a fantastic job. I'm very pleased at your performance. Have a good evening, now!"
PD-Nim waves to them as they leave.
Mina looks at Suhee and suddenly jumps on her, giving her a huge hug. "We did it!!!"
SuHee laughs and hugs her back. "I knew we could do it !"
"Let's hurry home and publish this ASAP."
SuHee nods in agreement and carefully puts the laptop back in its bag and zipping it up. "Let's go. We'll see you tomorrow, PD-Nim." she assures.

The two bow and quickly leave, stopping at the bus stop and waiting impatiently. A couple other people are waiting for the bus as well and one of the girls continues to spare glances at them as they wait somewhat impatiently for their ride.

Mina looks at her watch multiple times. "It's 3 minutes late." She huffs after a while.
SuHee hums and rests her head against one of the walls used to support the roof. "It should here any moment now."
"Excuse me. You Go Mina and Nam SuHee?" The girl asks in broken English.
SuHee smiles at her and nods. "That's us. What's your name?"
"Interview true?" She asks, holding up her phone to show the Dispatch interview.
Mina tips her head and squints to read the Korean article title. "BTS and Managers Secretly Dating Scandal!"
Her cheeks flame with anger. Looking up at the girl, she shakes her head. In Korean, she responds. "Dispatch twisted the boys' words. I promise you, it is not true. We are simply their managers and their friends. Nothing more."

SuHee notices the girl looking confused and smiles again. "We were hired to take care of the boys more than control their schedule. They've been taken care of by manager SaeJin and the others from the beginning, but now that they're so busy, they need more help. If they get mobbed while going shopping, we pick them up and help them escape. We make sure they don't overwork themselves while they practice. When they fight, we help them calm down and figure things out. We act more like their mothers than anything else." SuHee pauses after every couple sentences so her friend can translate.

Once she hears the whole story, she covers her mouth with a fist and her eyes begin to water.
"Thank you. Thank you so much for taking care of our boys. They mean so much to us."
Mina relays the message to SuHee. She opens her arms to the girl. The girl hugs Mina for just a moment before pulling away. "Picture?" she asks.

The girls smile and nod and gather close to her. Mina does a peace sign like V does his. The girl thanks them and hurries into the bus that had just pulled up.

"Mina, that's our bus."
"Let's go, then. We have to save girls like her from terrible disappointment in our boys."
Once the girls get home, SuHee heads to the kitchen to grab some drugs, about ready to pass out. "Lets do this before I fall asleep." she mumbles, sitting down beside her friend on the couch and downing a dose of NyQuil.

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