Chapter I , Part 1 : Arrival

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"Dear passenger, we have arrived in Kyoko. Please don't forget your luggage and have a nice trip." The announcer said through the speaker and our train slowly slowing down, I grab my bag and turn on my phone
"Oh! Your arrive already!? It way to early for the schedule. I'll be right there shortly, see you there!" My uncle hang up the call after I sit near the entrance.......

*after half of hour, a car parked in front of your place*

"Sorry! Waited long?" My uncle came out from the car and smile at me,
"Nah, I'm used to it." I said with a smile

"You got some nerve ran away from your parents house, and EVEN called me in the middle of the night!" He said before laughing,
"You already know what my parents like right?" I ask him, he calm down and sigh.
"Yeah....but gratefully you ran away sooner." He said

*you arrived at your uncle house, nothing have change since 2 years ago*

"You DO still remember my house layout right? If don't then it's not your fault, because it's been 2 years since you came." He said while scratching his head, "I'm good, I still amazingly remember your layout."
"Okay, you going to stay at this room. This room is previously belongs to your cousin before know...." Uncle let out a uncomfortable sigh,

"You lucky, there is one high school still accepting student. The name is Haruki High, kinda close to our can manage right?" He ask, I nod.

*you spent the whole day moving all the package from the living room to your room*

"Hey, I'm going out for a while. Watch the house while I'm gone." Uncle said before leave my room,

☆Tuesday, March 3rd 20XX☆

"Today is going to be your first day at school, excited?" He ask while looking at the school card, "I can manage the payment, so don't need to worry." He continue......the train is kinda cramped in the day.....I should note that.

"I will leave you here, the rest is on your own. Don't go somewhere suspicious, there is a lot of crime in the area.....bye." he waved at me before I walk towards the school gate,
A teacher standing in front of the gate with irritated face, "dammit! Why it have to be today!? It was supposedly my free time!" The teacher muttered loudly and notice that I already right in front of him, he jumped a bit. "Dammit! I mean-.....Welcome! You must be Shoichi-Kun, I'm here in charge to give some tour around the school." He said with a suddenly friendly tone......creepy

"Your class would be at the 3rd Floor, class 11-C." The teacher said before hand me a piece of paper, "fill this file up and return it to me tomorrow." He said again, and before I left he stopped me.
"I forgot to introduce myself, My name is Juuichi Fuu. You can call me Juuichi-San or Fuu-San." He said before shake my hand....forcefully

*you walk upstairs and to find that your class is in the middle of studying time*

"You can go in." A voice appear from behind me and make me jump, I looked behind and found that was a teacher holding a bunch of books.
"You must be the new transfer student, Shoichi? Right?" She said,"My name is Ms. Yuriha, nice to meet you." She said with a friendly tone,

*after that, she help me enter the class. And luckily her next class was at my classroom*

"Okay Class! We have a newcomer today! Go on! Introduce yourself." She said with an outstanding energy.....this school is creepy as hell,
"My name is Hiroyuki Shoichi, kinda introvert person but, I hope get along with you guys....hehehe
......." and awkward silence..........
"Ooooookay then, we welcome you to our school! going to sit.........There!" She pointed at the far end row seat......and if my eyes were right, that seat seems to be abandoned for a long time.....

*you spent your time at class by listening to the teacher teaching*

"okay! The bell going rang in couple more minutes now, so don't forget your assignment and be kind enough to our new member kay?" Ms. Yuriha said before take her stuff and exit the class,
Some of the student just took their bag and left, some still stay and chatting, and....
"Hai there!" I jumped from my seat when I was daydreaming,"sorry bout that! My name is Humiri Yujirou, nice to meet ya!" She said with high enthusiasm that creeps me.......

" name is Shoichi Hiroyuki, nice to meet you." I said and she still showing that glowing smile that creeps me....and where the hell all of this sparkle came from!?!?!?
"So, where are you from?" She asked, "from Tatsumi, Hiriko District." I said, and she suddenly give a shock like expression. "What!? Tatsumi!? That's hecking far!" She said, "yeah....(ouch, you shouldn't have yelled like that)." I muttered. "Hey hey, can we exchange number?" She asked before pulling out her phone. "Sure, its......" I tell her my number and she tells her. "Kay then, I texted you if something come up." She said before leave the class ...

I was about to start daydreaming again when my phone starts to ring. " name." I muttered and opened the text.

"Will you opened your eyes and see what people cant see?"

"Meh, probably a spam." I said and when I was about to close my phone, another message pops out.

"18 hours left before your awakening, please refrain to get hurt."

"Definitely a spam." I said and close my phone and buried my face onto the table....

"Hey, classes over." Someone poke my head, I look up and a saw...."Toby." He smile and scramble my hair, "teacher had a meeting and we are allowed to go home." I picked up my back and took out my glasses, "Glasses?" Toby ask, "yeah, sometimes used it. If it gets dark."

"Arrived at Kyoko-Tatsumi, please don't forget your belongings and have a nice day." I walk towards the station, I was busy typing on my phone before I heard a voice,

" me.... I'm scared"

I look around and search for the source...."probably I'm too focus on my phone."......I walk away.....

"Help me.....Hiro."

"So how's school?" Uncle ask, "great." I answer shortly. "Only that?" He asked. I nodded...

*you walk towards your room and look around*

"Clean up time."

*you cleaned your room and tidy up all the packages*

"Hm?" My phone ring and looked at it, "Humiri." I said and heard a chuckle. "Sorry, so you still awake?" She asked, "if I'm not then I wouldnt answer your call." I said and she laughed, "sorry sorry, hey hey. I found this cool app! Wanna check?" She asked and before I even answer, "okay, here's the link. Enjoy." She cut off and left me....."such a lady." I said and check the link.... "I left it overnight....probably finish in the morning." I slowly shut eyes and asleep.....

A blue butterfly flies around and land on Hiro's hand....


- Day 1 -


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