Chapter 1, Part 9 : Bow to your Queen!

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"Shoichi!" Humiri shouted at me and ended up makes me jump, "wah!!! Dont scared me like that!" I said and sigh, "geez, we in the middle of the forest. If you keep on like that, who knows what gonna happen to you." She continue and then I sigh defeat, "yeah yeah....sorry." I said, "we gather enough, let's go back." Ban said after he picked up some firewood,
"I managed to mix some of the spice and other ingredients when you guys went out, how's this?" Rin shows me the curry paste that she mixed, "for a newbie, this is very impressive Rin! Good job." I said and she blushes, "t-t-thank you." She then walks to the stove, "oh yeah, the firewood!" The stuck up some of the firewood underneath the stove and gave some leftovers wood to the other group, "this will be good!" Humiri said and show us her hungry face,
"Its smells good!" I said after the curry starts to boil and the tasty aroma starts to show, "just wait a little bit more and we can eat it." I said, "say Shoichi, how can you so sure and know a lot about curry?" Ban asks me and I just shrug, "Amamiya-San teaches me one or two things about cooking curry." Ban just show me his 'oh, okay then' face.

-10 minutes have passed, the curry is done. You can tell that your group's curry is the most tasty one because the other group keep on murmuring about your curry-

"Rin, Ban! Here yours!" I shouted at them and gave them their curry plate, "thank you!" Ban said happily, "Ban really loves curry, and tends to lose control over it." Humiri whispers at me, "I can see that." I whisper back, "thanks for the food, let's eat." Rin was about to eat her curry when suddenly, "oops! Sorry." The girl from the class pour her curry at Rin, "hey!" I stand up and glare at them, "what? It's her fault for standing in the way." The other girl says, "she clearly sitting on her table! What's your problem!?" I said and walks towards them, "Shoichi-san, its okay..." Rin tries to calms me down, "she deserves it anyway." When I heard that line, i lifted my hand and slap the girl. But Ban stops me, "dont, it just bring more trouble. Let them be." Ban said and I looked at them, "you three are forgiven, now piss off." Ban said, "Rin are you okay? Here's the towel." Humiri said and help Rin clean herself, those three girls just walks away while glaring at Rin.
"Those three are Kira, Hari and Mary. Rin's used-to-be friends." Humiri told us, "if I right, the four of them were from the most elite class and always brings back trophy when there is a competition." She continue and tries to remember, "but one day, Rin must sacrifice the three of them because of that competition, the Kyoko Big Dream. The Principal said that only ONE can enter from each school, and the principal only have hopes for Rin.....while the others was forgotten, Kira, Hari and Mary was instantly dropped out from the competition list because people suggested Rin the most." Humiri took a deep breath, "so since that....they hated her?" I asked, she nodded.
"Hm?" I took out my phone after a sudden vibrate, "oh no..."
"Ban! Humiri!" I called them, "what?" Ban said and I gave him a sign, "look." I show them my phone,

"I want a revenge! I want 'she' to suffer after abandoning us! Her name is Koichi Rin!"

"This isnt like write someone's sin anymore! This is more like a Request to kill someone!" Humiri said, "but isnt Sinners Tomb have another function? You know, if you hold grudges to a certain person, write down their sins, and they will be gone." Ban said, "we have to find the pass." I said and the three of us gone silent.....
"There is the three of them, Triple? Trio? Triplet?" Suddenly the app lights up, "so its Triplet, next....what do they think of this place? Or what this place name is?" I asked...."The GrudgeSite." And then the app shines, "Bingo, care to explain?" I asked Ban, "They hold a grudge against Rin, right? And right now we're at a camp, so GrudgeSite is what passes through my head." Ban explained and I nodded, "good, now we can infiltrated this place....but later." I said and the other shock, "why!?" Humiri asks, "Rin still here, she havent gone missing yet. So she still around, and if we do infiltrated this place now, nothing will happened there." I said, "that's make sense though..." Ban said, "but we still be on guard, something might happened to Rin sooner or later." I said and they nodded,
"What with the commotion?" After we exit our room, a crowd of student stands around the center of the campsite. "Suddenly we all heard a scream, after we find the source....this what we found." There is a pillar on the center of the campsite that mark as the Landmark,

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