Chapter 1, Part 10 : New Realm

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   *chirp chirp* ugh....the birds chirping really noisy, "why you guys have to be noisy today?" I muttered and rose from my bed, "yes yes, I waking up." I said and then the birds flew away..... "right. Now to bath."
   "Unc-" I stop at the stairs and move back, "why do they have to come here?" I muttered, my mother and father were sitting at the living room. And my uncle brewing some tea at the kitchen, thank god the stairs is facing towards the kitchen, "hm." Uncle looks up and sigh, "Yua, Hito." I flinched, "want your tea bitter or sweet?" He said, "bitter would be better." Mom said, "okay." Uncle gave a sign to take the back door, I nodded,
   "Tch..." I tiptoe a bit and uses some moves that i used on the Realm, "thanks." I muttered and took the lunch box that uncle put near the door.
   "Shoichi!" Nico ran towards me and waves, "ah, Nico. That's rare for you to walk early." I said, "hehe, I got something to do so I ran early." He said before continue to ran again.
   "Morning!" I said after meeting Rin on the road, "morning." She replied, "ne..Shoichi, what do you think about my style?" she asks, "hm? what do you mean?" i said confusingly, "um...i mean, my style on fashion." she continue, "uh....well...." i scratches my head  uncomfortablely, "you seems nice on your casual clothing, but you need a bit your skirt was to long, maybe shorten it a bit. your hairstyle is a bit to old, maybe you should move your bangs behind, tied up your hair a bit more stylish. maybe you should ask Humiri for more detail, ya know...cause she a girl too." i explained, "kay, i'll ask her today. thanks." she said and smiles...
   "good morning y'all." i said when arrived at class, "morning." Ban replied, "hey Shoichi, do you bought the exercise book?" Ban asked, "no? Why?" I asked him back, "today is we going to study with a new teacher. And of course since they new, the first thing we do is exercise." He explained, "nobody told me." I said and sigh, "at least I bought a spare book..."

   "Students! Today we going to introduce the new substitute teacher for you guys. You may come in." Mr.Baruki said and the door slides opened, "ah...", "greeting, my name is Hamford Van Gris. I will be your English Teacher from today. Nice to meet you all." He said...."his face is familiar...." I muttered, Ban looked at me, "you okay?" He asked, "I'm fine....only a bit head over heel."
   "This sentence should use Present Continuous, and change this verb into....." Mr.Hamford keeps on explaining and explaining, odd....why do I feel sleepy?
   "C...t....Coba....Cobalt!" I hear something..."how bout we slap 'im?" A mysterious voice said, "let's try it. Sorry Cobalt."
   *SMACK!!!* then I opened my eyes widely, "you awake! Good...." Glamour sigh, "what? What happened?" I asked, "seems like that impact really did a number on you." Glamour said, "let me fill you in."

-Earlier that day­-

   "So, this is the new Realm?" I asked, "yes, seems like this spot called as 'Hymn of Melancholy'." Ban explained, "Hymn?" Humiri asks, "yes, oh! I forgot to mention. Hey! Come in." Rin shouted and a boy came in...."Nico?" I said, "yup, surprisingly he has the potential." Rin said, "he even have the app." Rin borrow his phone and showed it to us, "the problem is he havent awakened yet." She continues.
   "Anyway, we should go infiltrated this place now.", "a lot request came in." Ban said, "Request?" I asked, "there is the new Feature. Let me explain."

Request, occasionally there will be a request from a certain users, they will ask you to done a job, the harder the job is, the more reward you can get.

   "A Request about, 'Please check out the Hymn of Melancholy, something seems bugging me from there'." Ban read what the request said, "so, ready?" I ask, "let us prepare a bit." Humiri said and stands up.


   "Long short story, you defend us when we enter this place. You got sting by that thing." Glamour point at the Shadow that Tauros and Siege holding off, "okay, ya good? Cuz that things ain't holding long." The new guy said, "you must be...." I said, "the name is Fortress, nice to meet ya lead." He ran towards the Shadows, "move out!" He swing his shield creating a huge wave of wind and blow away the Shadows, "nice trick new guy." Tauros said and smirk, "thanks senior, but that's not all." He hold his mask, "ready! Come! Leonidas!"
   "I'm thou, thou art I, don't be afraid warrior, because I, Leonidas will turn the tides and will make the enemy bow down." Fortress's Persona swings its sword, slicing the giant Shadows into pieces, "now! swing it more powerful, Assault Dive!" Leonidas jumps and smash its blade into the ground creating a wave that stumble the enemy, "let's go!" Fortress, Siege and Tauros jumps.

"This walking wall aint joke!" Nico Latonte, Fortress.

"That sucks Cobalt, we just entered and you already down." Tauros said, "thanks for worrying." I said and stands up, "Siege, review the mission." I said, "our task is to infiltrated this Realm and see what is bothering Guest-1902." she said, "but first, we need to make a map of this place." she continues,
"But this realm aint kidding, the power level of the Shadows here is high." Fortress shows me his phone......"um, Fortress....I think we should buy you a new phone." I said, because his phone screen cracked like a spider web. we then walk towards a safe spot and stays there for a while, "so, that is our first obstacle?" I ask, everyone nod, "Guest-1902 said that there is 3 possible threat here, and we already deal one." Siege said, "we will rest here for a while then we continue." I said and they agree.

"Manuela, can you help me a bit?" I said and Manuela appear on my phone, "Hai Hai! your assistant here, of course. what do you need?" she asks cheerfully, "tell me the current Persona I can fuse." I said, "okie dokie! wait a sec." she then disappear.

Here's The List :

1. Angel, Lvl : 10 (Justice)
2. Matador Lvl 14 (Death)
3. Chimera Lvl 17 (Chariot)
4. Byakko Lvl 20 (Temp) (Insufficient Karma)

"Manuela, what is 'Insufficient Karma' means?" I ask her, "its mean you haven't defeated enough enemy, you currently need to banish 40-50 more Shadows so you can fuse Byakko." Manuela explained, "and your Lvl is still low, so having this Persona might be out-of hand." she said, "you have other Thunder-Based Persona like, Bicorn." she said, "so, why you need a new one?" she said, "Different Persona, different capabilities, maybe Byakko have something that Bicorn don't." I said, she then nod, "okay then, any other thing?" she asks, "nah, I'm good, thanks Manuela." I said, she smiles and the disappear. "yo, Cobalt. we moving." Tauros said and I nod,
"eh, whats wrong?" I ask when we suddenly stop, "I think we found our next obstacle...." Glamour said, I look front and...."Abbadon?" I said as Abbadon towers above us, "YoU ShAlL NoT PaSSed." it says, "why does that phrase sounds familiar?" Siege said, "well we thing about that later, now scatter!" I said and all of us jumps and dodges Abbadon's tongue.

-Battle Starts-

"Scan." I said and pointed my phone at him, "NO INFORMATION! NO INFORMATION! DANGER!" it says, "you guys better be careful, this Abbadon is going to put us on edge of our seat." I said, "but we're not sitting!?" Glamour said, "its only a figure of speech!" I said, "Azure! Bufula!" a crystalize ice appear and explode on Abbadon's face, "Hyanchitus, Magaru!" some tornado forms and hit Abbadon multiplied time. "Jeanne D'arc, rush them" Jeanne D'arc appear and rushes towards Abbadon, and manage to deal some damage to Abbadon, "this guy resisted all of our damaged! how we supposed to deal with it!?" Tauros said in angry, "we will think it through, just keep on fighting!" I said, "Change! Obsidian!" I said while holding my mask and changes, "Nyarlatothep!" Nyarlatothep appear and shoot out burst of flames, "NGGAHH!" I manage to deal some burn damage on it, "okay, lets go!" all of jumps and attack Abbadon from all direction,
"did we did it?" Glamour said, "looks like it." I said, "Change....Cobalt..." I said and return into my original form, "NGGAAAH! HA HA HA HA!" an eerie laugh appear as a winged foe slowly materialize, "I see you defeated my pawn, but sadly you guys fall into my trap." the enemy materialize completely as my phone buzz on, "WARNING! WARNING! POWERFUL FOE HAS APPEAR!" the enemy laugh, "it was on purpose I order Abbadon to be here, because I know, they will dry out your energy." the enemy swings it arms as a giant sphere of light appear, "now! begone!" the sphere was shot toward us, "not so fast!" a white smoke appear, blinding all of us......
"tch...ran away..." the winged enemy says...

"nggggh....", "you guys all right?" said Joker, "Joker? why are you here?" I ask him, "its looks like we got the same objective again." he said, "that winged beast name is Helel, its kinda obvious that you guys fall because you need full energy to fight it." he explained, "how's the others?" I ask, "they fine." he face towards the other member tending them. "now we need a plan to defeat Helel." he said. "wanna join up?" he ask, "sure" I nod and stands up, "glad we can work together again." I said.

Confidant Rank Up
The Fool

"good, now lets start up making the plan." he said and we walk towards the others, "okay team, lets start the discussion."

Day 10




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