Chapter 1, Part 7 : Comforting Shoichi

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   "Any news?" Ren asked, "nope, haven't found a single trace of Shoichi." Futaba said, "he probably enter a Realm...but which?" Makoto said, "........." I looked at my phone deeply..."Ban?" I looked at worried Humiri, "it's fine, we'll find him." I said and pet her head, "ah! Found a trail!" Futaba said, "there is a sign of someone enters...'The Studies of Hatefulness'." She said..."its a school!" I said, "which?" Ann asked, "he only knew one school, and that's our school." I said...

   "This school..." Ann looked at it, "I thought that we need extra hands, so I called someone." Ren said, "she will come around 5 more minutes." He continues,
   "Hey everyone!" A girl with red haired ponytail came, "Kasumi! We've been waiting." Ann said before stands up, "the Phantom Thieves is ready." Makoto said, "okay let's go!"

-Entering, Studies of Hatefulness-
-Welcome and Survive-

   "What!?" Suddenly the school yard changes into a massacre spot, "I-I-is this b-b-blood?" Violet ask with shuddering voice, "Shadows droplet....someone must've defeated them....brutally." Fox said after touches the puddle, "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" A laughter echoes through the school yard, "let's go!"

   "This is more intense than what I anticipated." Panther said, the inside is wide with bodies all scattered on the floor...."this is must be his doing." Let's go!", "Phantoms will take the East, you guys take the West!" Joker said and I nodded, "Violet, Crow. You both go with them." He continue and they nodded,
   "Hah!" Violet shot the Shadows that appear in front of me, "be more focus on the road, Tauros, we cant afford to lose a teammate here." She said and I nodded, "Thanks Violet." I said before runs again, "Oracle! How's there?" I said, "good, we handle some Shadows here." She said, "here, we almost near him. He around 11-C....his classroom." I said before she nodded, "okay, I inform the others."
   "He's here?" Skull ask, "his icon shown on the map radar, he's inside this room." Before I touches the door handle, a weird force blocking it. "What?" I tried to reach it but still nothing...."we have to find other way around...." Joker said and we all nodded,
   "Hehehehe." When we about to step out suddenly the school gate closed forcefully and everything inside shifted.....

   "Ugh....." I hold my head and slowly opened my eyes, "Tauros! You there?" Oracle ask, "yeah I'm here...ugh...where the others?" I ask, "Violet, Crow, and Glamour is near you....the others....missing." she said, I slowly stands up and walk against the wall, I'm still dizzy..... "Glamour!" I spotted her surrounded by Shadows, "Marduk! Mazio!" The Shadows disappeared and I ran towards Glamour, "ngggh." She muttered, "Oracle! Status!" I said, "she's fine, only black out." She said, "good." I said before opens my phone map, "Violet! Crow!" I ran towards the direction where the map shows, their Icon gone red, they're in danger!
   "Marduk!" Marduk smashed the Shadows revealing Crow protecting Violet, "in time." He said before stands up, "they loses their strength, only us can do." He continue and I nodded, "Oracle, can you tell us where you are?" I asked, "um....looks like I'm inside the art class..." she said and I sigh, "at least you are safe, we going there now..." we carried Glamour and Violet as we venture towards the class...
   "Hm?" When we reached the floor where art class located, I looked at the window...

   "I erase my parents sins, I know they hurted me but it was because I'm bad kid. They do it on purpose to teach me a lesson, they punish for what've I done. So please, forgiven their sins into me, relieved their burden."

   "This..." I suddenly freezes...."What is it?" Crow asked, "this message...its Cobalt's!" I shouted, "he knew about the Website consequences, but still do it." I said,

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