Chapter 1, Part 2 : Thou Art I

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"hoaamm!" I yawn as hard as I can, I scratches my back and look at the clock. "06.00 A.M. school starts around 8." i looked at my phone.....oh yeah that app. i picked up my phone and something already appear on the screen,

The contract have been created, will you cooperate with the demon?


"hm....." Humiri said this app was fun.....but why do i sense something bad about it?....."probably my feelings only" i said and click the option YES.

Contract have been signed, Thank YOU.

Time before Awakening : 06 : 46 : 55

"Awakening? what is this? a real time based game?" i muttered and shut it off, "i need to take a bath.", the warm water of the shower cleansed my mind.....then suddenly, "Hiro, help." that sound again, i look around my bathroom.....i spot a single blue like trail...."what...?" as i leave the bathroom i saw a light blue butterfly flying around....but oddly enough, the wings are tattered. "here." i gently capture the butterfly and put it on my desk, "you wounded don't move around like that." just as before i want to leave, "Hiro, help. only you can save me." i looked back....."so it was you."

"what do you mean?" i ask, "i cant maintain this form long enough, but. please, find the gate to this Dimension, and release me from this chains." the butterfly slowly fades as it left nothing but a trail of dust.....
"hey, Uncle. i'm going." i shouted as he reply with a muffled scream, i took a light sprint, there's an intersection in front of me at first i wanted to slowed down but i kept running. *BOOM* i crashed onto someone,
"i'm sorry!" i lend that person my hand, "oh, its okay." that person reach my hand and tidy up theirself and their glasses, "Ren! you okay?" a yellow-haired teenager running towards us as a blond hair girl do the same. "Ryuji! no need to run!" she said and the yellow haired one just smiled "oh come Ann! live a little." he said and look at me, "hey kiddo, be careful next time. Aight?" He said before the 'Ren' speaks up, "you okay?" He said before putting his hands into his pocket. "I'm okay, and sorry for bumping you. I was in hurry." I said before bowing down and continue to run towards school. "That kid...." Ren said before sigh,

-Arrived at School, the teacher scold you for being late-

"Hey Humiri, about that app you said." I talk to her when break starts, "it's cool right? When I downloaded it, it just starts with black screen for like 2-3 weeks until I gave you the link." She said.....why does she said that this app is amazing while the app where pitch black all this time, "what's your countdown?" She said again before pulled out her phone, "mine is 5 more hours~" she shows me the screen which is shown.

Time before Awakening: 05 : 03 : 22.

I looked at my phone...."its the same." I shows her my phone, she let out a surprise expression. "Wow...that mean...around...2 P.M?" She said and I nod, "yeah, let's meet up at the park after school." She agrees and took out her lunch box. "Wanna join?"

-I had lunch with Humiri, her lunch size is madness....-

"Hah~" I exit the bathroom while drying my hair with the towel, I looked at the clock. "12.30, gotta run." I picked up my bag and ran out from my uncle house.

"You early" after I arrived at the park I saw a familiar face...."Ban!?" I shock and he pulled out his phone, "I have the same one. Humiri told me about it.", "talking about Humiri, where is she?" I ask him and he gave me his 'dont know' shrug. "She probably late like usual, her habit." He said again and took out his phone, the app suddenly lights up and the clock shows zero..."" I said after the screen changes, "and this pinpoint....Shibuta Station?" I said and Ban shows me an unbelievable expression, "Humiri always took the Shibuta Station to go anywhere...she might in danger!" Ban quickly sprints as I follows him.

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