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Hi readers! Miss me or not? (Whatever)
So its been a long time i didn't publish some more stories so here i am!

I was suppose to publish the new part of my story but it turned out to be wrong so i literally fix my story.

Anyways, enjoy!

Speedy and bea are sitting on the floor watching a movie..

*speedy saw bea eating cookies*

Speedy stares at bea and the cookies: hey that looks good..

Bea: yeah it is, and i know what your up to..

Speedy: uhm.. Really?

Bea: yeah, you want some cookies?

Speedy: yes please!!

Bea: uhhh...........nope.

Speedy's excitement turned out to be silence: oh, ok..

(Later on...)

Bea: speedy..

Speedy: yes?

Bea: want some cookies??

Speedy: no thanks.. Its not my important..

Bea: oh really? Earlier you really want some cookies and now you don't w--

Speedy: i said i dont want some cookies..

Bea: oh, are you sure you dont want some??

Speedy: nope, what my important is i have you..

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