The prankensteins (to be continued)

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(In the night...)
*everybody was sleeping in their bed except Brody*

Brody: Rod....Oh, Rod.. Rod.......ROD!!!

*Rod jump off*

Rod: I'm awake! I'm awake!

Brody: you are so jumpy.

Rod: Whatever, so whats your "shining, shimmering, splendid plan"??

Brody: well..

(After explaining everything..)

Author: ugh! Why am i so lazy??!!


Rod: what a great plan..

Brody: lets go.

(Seconds later)

Brody: ok Rod, you know what to do with her.

Rod: I hope it doesn't get ruined..

Brody: don't worry! I'm sure it will be fine, now go!

*Rod's pretending to sleepwalking and walk straight to penny's bed, and as he climb up, he quickly punch penny's head and stomp her wing*

Penny quickly woke up: ahhh!! It hurts!

*she quickly stand up and kick Rod's private part (you know it..)*

Rod opened his eyes wide after kicking: ah! Ow!

*swift quickly woke up after he heard a noise*

Swift: what is going on down there??  
*flies down*

Swift: *gasps* penny! *runs towards penny* are you okay??

Penny: ow! My head hurts! And my wing hurts too!

Swift: what happened??

Penny: this chicken just punch my head and stomp my wing for no reason!

Swift: rod! Are you out of your mind

Rod: bu----

Swift: no more 'buts'!

Rod's mind: ugh! This is all of your fault Brody, you're gonna regret this..

Penny: ow! My wing!

Swift: here, let me help you with that.

(After that healing thingy..)

Swift: there! Feel better??

Penny: yeah, thanks swift.

Swift: your welcome!
*looks angrier to Rod* so rod, why are you doing this?!?

Rod: uhh.......

Swift: tell me!!!

Rod: woah! Woah! Chillax dude! Well, first of all, I'm not the one who planned to do this.

Penny: who is it??

Rod: Brody planned it.

Swift: *looks to Brody* but he was just sleeping.

Rod: he's pretending to be asleep.

Brody's mind: oh no... This cant be happening..

Penny: *grumpy face* BRODY!!!!

Brody: *opened his eyes* uhh... Sorry for all the trouble.

Rod: me too.

Penny: *sigh* that's ok Brody and Rod.

Swift: and besides, you two will gonna be so dead later after for what you have done to penny.

Rod: wait what????

Swift: prepare to die soon.

Brody's mind: oh no..


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