just a quick!

663 7 16

Hi guys! Long time no updating! Ok so about this, i have something to show you with.

But first of all, are you familiar in amino app? Well, as i said that i have an amino app, I've just installed yesterday, and now i uninstalled it, why?

Well, i thought amino app was so fun, i was suppose to make a chatroom but SOMEONE just banned my chatroom, and the people in amino app is so bad.. I mean, they kept saying bad words to me, and mostly, they did not respect each others, and i hate it.. So yeah..

Ok! So i was said earlier that i have something to show you. Im going to show you my masterpiece(well its not really a master), this is a drawing, and thanks to my precious and beloved ibis paint app, i couldn't done my drawings without the ibis paint.

Ok so about this drawing, i was really wondering if this is their clothes during missions in season 2 then i'll be super duper happy..

Then for the next drawing, i was really dreaming that there's an episode that they're rocking the band or "top wing rocks the band" episode, i really appreciate that..

And i think my next drawing is im going to draw that penny is wearing uhh......i dont know..ball gown?? And..for swift is..a suit....????? I guess i'll try my best..

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