Hot during winter

442 11 3

Penny and Brody are making a snowman while rod is playing a snow angel, swift stayed at the corner watching rod playing a snow angel.

Everyone's wearing a winter outfit including swift, but he's still shivering during the winter.

Swift: brrrrrrr.......its cold! I c-cant st-stand i-it....

Even though he's wearing a winter outfit, its not enough for him to make him warm..

Rod: hey swift, wanna play snow angel??

Swift: n-no t-thanks....

(After playing..)

*Penny walk straight to swift..*

Penny: Hey swift, don't you wanna play??

Swift: of course i want to play with you..

Penny: well then come on, don't just sit the--- hey uh swift? *touches his head*

Penny: are you..... sweating???

Swift: uh why do you ask??

Penny: oh, nothing.....well what are you waiting for, lets play.

Swift: in a minute penny, just gonna sit here for a while..

Penny: ok.. *runs to rod*

Swift's mind: god damn...she's so hot, I'm
sweating already.. I'm gonna go inside and turn on the air conditioner..

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