The visit

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Swift: Penny, wait! *Runs faster*

*penny stops.*

She was about to leave with her aqua wing.

Penny: oh hey swift! Whats u—

*Swift hugged her tightly*

Swift: Penny, please don't go, stay with me, please stay with me!

Penny is confuse about what he said: what is he talking about???

Swift: I promise i will never be showy again, i promise that we will work together as a team, i promise that we'll take turns and have it fair and square, just please don't go. I need you!!

Penny's mind: oh! So you mean it?? Well besides, its true anyways... You've been showy for the whole life being a cadet...

(Author: oh no, im so sorry both of you, but i'm really gonna have to write this..)

Penny: wait, wait, hold on. What are you talking about??

Swift: you're quit being a cadet, right??

Penny: what? No, i will never do that. I'm just gonna visit my parents, then I'll come back tomorrow.

Swift: oh, you don't quit??

Penny: you want me to do that???

Swift: NO!! NO!! DON'T DO THAT TO ME!!   

Penny: *laughs* i was just kidding!

Swift: hm! Not funny at all.

Penny: well i better get going. *walks away*

Swift: wait!! *grabs her wing*

Penny: swift, could you let go of my wing??

Swift: nope..

Penny: oh come on! Are you done with your chitty chat talks??

Swift: no, not yet.

Penny: so what? Just tell me already!! OR MY PARENTS ARE GONNA PUNCH MY FACE!!!!!!

∆∆∆∆∆Technical difficulties!∆∆∆∆∆

-Take 2!!-

Penny: so what?? Just tell me already!! Spit it out.

Swift: okay! Okay fine, chill, shortie, just ch--- *cuts off*

Penny: hey! Don't you ever call me shortie! I have a name, and my one and only name is Penny!

Swift: ok........shortie!

Penny: ugh! lets be serious right now.

Swift: ok so..uhhm...can you come back...earlier?? Instead of...tomorrow?? And.. If you don't mind, can i come with you??

Penny: hm, well if you say so..." Empire swift building"...... HHAHAHAHA!!!!!! *Laughs harder*

Swift: haha..really funny..

Penny: HAHAHAHHAHHAHA!!!..............*Stops laughing and turn her face into serious* ok lets go..

*they jump inside to the aqua wing*






(Hours later)🕥🕚🕦

They've reach in their destination, BIG         ❄ANTARCTIC CITY, ANTARCTICA❄
Where penny lives. (Don't mind it ok?? Just made it up)

*jumps out to the aqua wing*

Penny: haaah...i cant believe I'm back.

Swift: *shocked when he looked the tall buildings everywhere*  woooww!! This place is so big! And beautiful! And....cold.

Penny: yup, this is Big Antarctic City, where penguins lived. You can see big and tall buildings everywhere. But sometimes you'll get lost..

Swift: oh..

*They're both start walking*

--------and, to be CONTINUED!! GOTTA THINK FAST!!-----------BYE!

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