"Flashing back"

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"You were a mistake! If you were stronger she wouldn't have died!"

"I know!"

"If you KNEW that when you were attacked, you wouldn't have tried to fight! You would have ran away like you should have!"

"I know...."

"Apparently you DON'T and apparently you DIDN'T"

He beat me, and it hurt.

I woke up from the dream, i shot up and was breathing heavily.


Oh, yeah.. I locked my door out of habit..

"Sorry.. aizawa.. it was just habit."

"I can understand."

I got up and unlocked the door.

"Hm, you seem tense about something."

"It's just... a bad dream.."

"About what."

I walked over to my bed, he walked over and did the same.

"Something my dad did..."

"What was it?"

"I.. he was yelling at me for letting my mom die.."


"We were in a villain encounter.. I tried to fight it, but it took my mom and killed her.."

I paused before continuing

"I came back home, i was stressed, scared, sad, and my dad blamed it on me.."

"Anything else?"

"I... I'm worried what he'll do when he gets out.. do I.."

I paused.

"Do I have to go back to him after?"

"Do you want to?"


"Then you can stay here, or go to a adoption center."

"I.. I want to stay with you."

"Alright.. you can stay here."

Was he really alright with a mistake like me living with him?

"Whelp, i'll see if I have any leftover egos."


"I don't have anything good, maybe I'll go shopping now that I have someone here other than me."

"No, egos as in, you're actually feeding me?"


"I thought I'd get punished for.. ya know..."

"No, it's not your fault. You were pushed past your breaking point."

"But i.."

"Midoriya, you may have done the deed, but you were being forced into secrecy, bullied and abused, what you did isn't respectable, but it was the only thing you could have done."
"I'm aware you are used to punishment for every little thing you do, but I'm going to stand up for you, ok?"


"It make take you a while to warm up to this lifestyle, but you can trust me to protect you. Now, i'll make some eggos."

Aizawa got up and walked out the room, I could hear the beeping of  the microwave from here.

My ears were good listeners, so I could have a warning when my dad was coming.

I laid down.

Bang! My door was flung open, I was hiding under my blankets.

How did i not hear him? I'm so dumb so dumb so dumb!

"Midoriya, get out."

I remembered I put pillows under my blankets commonly to trick him into thinking it was me.

I tried to minimize my shivering so I wouldn't be found.

"I see what you did.."

He uncovered the blankets to reveal a terrified midoriya.

"Found you."

I shivered terribly

"Midoriya! Eggos are ready."

I snapped out of it and walked out, when i stood up I had my back against the door

I turned around and opened the door.

Eggos were on the table.

I walked over and sat down.

I took a couple bites out of the eggo.

It was crunchy.. there were red spots inside it that tasted like strawberry! It was amazing!

There was a loud noise outside. Me and aizawa looked out the window to see a villain.

The same villain that killed my mom.

I ran and hid and aizawa went out to fight

(Tim skip brotherrs)

"Why didn't you go out and fight it?"

"That was the villain that killed mom.."

"Was it an ambush?"


"Listen, your quirk takes a while to charge up, you aren't good with ambushes, don't be discouraged from being hit in a weak spot."

That was the first time i had gotten support like that in a while

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