Prt 16 (attempt 2: hazy deku)

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The day seemed to speed by back at 'home' not much happened then, but when I woke up the day after, I felt strange.

For some reason, memories of my mom and father (after the death, drunk beatings, random insults, ect ect), and other things making me choke back tears.

I scrambled to the bathroom, for some reason my mind was going fuzzy. I felt like a broken tape player stuck on loop..


(Me and my antisocial self chillin' on cristmas break ready to murder anything and/or anyone who disrupts itt)

(Cristmas break lasts past cristmas ùwú)

I scrambled to the bathroom, a hand on my head, the other opening doors and moving stuff around.

Everything was weird, my room didn't feel like my room. There were extra steps to getting to the bathroom that far exceeded just walking there.

I was in the bathroom, and suddenly the scene shifted to a rooftop, is that what all the extra steps were?

I looked down, and had another fuzz, and for some reason I jumped.

Just as i hit the floor I shot awake.

It was mid-day, and aizawa was sitting at the end of my bed

"You ok? You looked like you were having a nightmare"

I drifted my gaze off to the window

"Yeah, I'm ok."

Everyone here knew that was a lie though. Suddenly, i felt arms wrap around me, and when I looked up aizawa was hugging me.

"You deserve it. I made cereal, yours is probably soggy by know though"

(I was looking through comments for the first time in a while, and one of you said deku needed a huggo, so here ya go)

(Also another one of you commented if im ok, and THanK You FOr cARinG AboUT me BUt YEs i'M Ok)

(Hehe part one's views has 69 in it hehe)

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