Prt 23- I lived a good life

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My dad rarely comes in my room. I feel like a accessory.. all I've been able to think about for the past 2 months is how I was finally ok, and now it's been taken from me.. I have a plan to escape though.

The first thing to take into consideration is my father is hiding in a friend's house, and the area I'm in is high up. So that sucks

Another thing to take into consideration: my father will beat me half to death if I leave my room. It's nearly happened to me before.

Second to last-y, I can't yell out for help, as my dad would hear me within the first yelp and beat me half to death. Nearly happened already.

Finally,  I have no access to phones, ropes, blinkers, flashlights, or anything that could signal something or allow me to escape or call for help. Pretty bad situation.

The window isn't boarded up, but I can't fall and not die. You can see where this is going can't you? Well, here's my plan.

I jump out of the window and die. Problem solved. If a hero sees me, cool. Happy ending. If nobody sees me, that's fine. Happy ending. And so, I prepared.

I waited until dad was downstairs, and unlocked the window. I then opened the window. I then crammed myself out of the window. I then fell.

I braced for impact, and unlike the first time, I felt myself hey the ground and felt terrible pain for a moment, and then nothing.

(Sorry the ending was so sudden and whatnot, but I'm a tad bit too ready to end this book. My other BNHA fanfic is "I Heard I Used To Know You" a nomu deku book. Another book I'm working on is a original title, "Through Tears I Apologize" I hope you enjoy seeing those books through to the end like you guys did with this one. (i heard i used to know you has the most chapters, and I'm still getting my grasp in through tears I apologize, so take your pick) goodbye everyone! I hope y'all enjoy those books as much as y'all loved this one!)

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