3..2..1... Meltdowns Coming

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Chapter One

Brantley's POV

"Absolutely fucking not!" I roared slamming my fist down on the table making Scott, my label president jump taking a sip of his coffee. My heavy rings cracked like a firecracker on polished wood earning a whimper from his timid assistant. She ducked back out the door in a hurry. I heard a sigh at my elbow knowing that Aaron was pinching the bridge of his nose with a tad of frustration at me. He'd asked me to calmly listen to what Scott had to say. To factor in all that went along with a request like this. Wellllllll fuck that. I narrowed my eyes dangerously turning my head back and forth to both of the men in the room with me. "You two have got to be out of your damn minds!"

"BG," Aaron murmured trying to reason with me as I turned my attention to him. He ran a hand over the CWW hat on his head. I bit the inside of my cheek clenching my jaw trying to keep the red from bleeding to black. These were the last two people I ever thought would have suggested this to me...of all people. What you see is what you get right? Yea, this was gonna go against that. "Listen to Scott for a minute okay."

"Five minutes," I growled whipping my head back around to my label president for the last ten years. I shook a long finger at him watching his head nod. "Five fucking minutes so get started with this damn scheme Scott."

"Fine," Scott muttered with a heft sigh leaning back in his chair. He took a deep breath meeting my eyes. "Demographic of fans and music has changed BG. You know that. Hell we even release music different now compared to when you got started. So after doing some numbers from social media, the conclusion is that you would be presented more approachable if you weren't single." I let out a snort at the air quotes at approachable rolling my eyes. So the hell what if I was more content to be a bachelor than chase some crazy woman. Because several of them in my past had done nothing short of proving they were bonkers. One that I swear was a high functioning batshit crazy. "That is why after some discussion, Aaron and I thought it might be a good idea to pair you up with someone in the business."

"Two words Scott," I hissed through clenched teeth. I leaned forward in my chair bracing my elbows on the table shaking my head. May have cracked my knuckles a little. If Mama were sitting her she would tan my hide for being rude. Then she would snicker at what they were suggesting. Upside to this it would get her off my back for a little bit about settling down. Truth was, I didn't want to. Risked getting hurt again and was easier to keep that wall up. "Fuck...no."

"And if I put it that you don't really have a choice?" Scott asked with a raised an eyebrow letting me know that he was playing hard ball. "My back is against the wall on this too B. My balls too."

"What if I told you that you were crazy for letting your wife run Valory?" I grumbled leaning back in my chair running a hand over my beard. "Don't see you pulling shit like this with Thomas or Justin."

"Because they are married," he returned with a smirk drumming his fingers on the table. "Sandi means well BG. You know this. Damn woman lives in a fairytale world sometimes. You've known her as long as you have me. Know she's a force to be reckoned with when she wants to be. And what she wants is to do is make you out just a tad gentler." I growled lowly crossing my arms over my chest in a huff. "Hey, don't go all pit bull on me man. She's a woman and she knows the good guy underneath the tough guy image. Therefore, she wants that to come out a little bit. Swears the women will swoon over you like Luke Bryan if they get a peek at it."

"If the next suggestion out of her mouth is that I wear jeans like his," I snarled making Aaron crack up laughing at the image I am sure was rolling through his mind. "Then I will quit right the fuck now." I smoothed a tattooed hand over my hat shaking my head at myself for even considering this scheme. "What is this going to entail?"

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