How Will The Night End?

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Kaydence's POV

I felt the warm metal of the black truck I'd oh so graciously been pushed against a second ago through the thin material of my sundress. In spite of the heat, a shiver raced down my spine when lips and a beard teased along the column of my throat dragging a cross between a whimper and a purr out. I cracked an eye open at the teasing chuckle that vibrated against my skin. Long arms held me firmly in place. I pressed closer enjoying the feeling. What can I say, for the last month things had shifted between Brantley and I. It had been a long week without him. A pretty decent pout from me over Facetime prompted him to make the venture up to Nashville instead of me going to Georgia.

Upon hearing he would be in town, Caroline called for a night out. I saw everyone a little more than Brantley did with me living near Nashville. Lips capturing mine again like he hadn't kissed me in years even though I can rightly say he'd been tackled almost at the time this truck stopped in my driveway. Some of the same thrill was there from the past. The making the most of the moments we had because we were trying to fit them in.

But in truth, we had tossed the public persona as a couple we were supposed to portray aside. True, I'd slipped in a post here and there just to keep Kerri off my back. Deepening the kiss pulling Brantley closer than he already was made me want to drag him back to my house instead of hanging out downtown tonight. We were just purely living in the moment. And that moment was fixing to involve me climbing this man....or at least it was until I heard a voice.

"You two keep this up and y'all will be like some of those celebrities who wind up on the cheesy porn sites!" Caroline called out. Brantley's lips vibrated under mine as he started laughing. A quick peck and he stepped back keeping one arm wrapped around my waist. Luke slipped his hand over his wife's mouth earning him an elbow to his stomach as we walked even with them. He gave me a wink his brown eyes twinkling with mischief. Luke smacked her ass gently making Caroline beam even more before he raised his free hand to fist bump B's. Caroline threaded her arm through mine turning towards the door of Kayne Prime. We stood off to the side making small talk waiting on the rest of our group to arrive. "I see things are going well."

"Don't start Caroline," I warned pursing my lips at her making her roll her blue eyes and scoff. "You sound like my own mama bound and determined to get me married off. Swear y'all have Kerri in the same mind frame." She opened her mouth to say something else when I stopped her with a raised finger. "Stop. I'm enjoying things and you are not muddling it up with marriage talk."

"Ruin all my damn fun,'' she muttered poking her lip out. She turned her attention towards Brantley interrupting his conversation with Luke before I could stop her. "So BG." At her drawl his eyebrows raised up almost to the brim of his backwards hat. Eye lashes fluttered making me growl at her while he snickered knowing something was coming. Throwing an arm around her slender shoulders he gave her his undivided attention. "When can we expect a wedding?"

"Awww Caroline," he teased wiggling his eyebrows up and down with an evil smirk. "Luke and Jason gonna finally make their bromance official." I burst out laughing at the growl from Luke along with the glare from Jason as he and Britt approached. Jason leaned over kissing the top of my head before smacking my boyfriend upside his head only making him laugh harder. "Come on Jay we all know it's a side thing."

"Fuck off BG," he grumbled while Brittany kissed my cheek laughing at her husband. If there was one thing I loved to do to my big cousin that was give him hell. "I don't know about the rest of y'all but I'm starving." He reached over lacing his fingers with Brittany's leading us to the door. B slipped his arm around my waist grabbing the door with his free hand holding it open. "Britt was able to reserve the patio. Good thing since these girls tend to get loud when they get together."

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