Make A Reckless Memory

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Kaydence's POV

Glaring at my phone and the text message one more time, I rolled over kicking off the covers putting my feet on the floor. I swear when I get back to Nashville I was going to alternate beating Brittany and Kasi's asses. They were having almost as much fun with giving me hell about the kiss last night as the fans were loving it. They'd both reposted Black Mike's post of it within minutes of each other it seemed. Like it was a race to be the first family member of mine to make it even more known BG had staked his claim for all to see. Or at least that was appearance of it. Couldn't help but snicker a little at the thought of this whole situation giving Jason another gray hair or two.

I sighed running my fingers through my hair winding it up into a messy bun. Glancing down at my t-shirt and sleep shorts, I shrugged walking to the door of the guest bedroom I had curtly been shown to last night after arguing all the way into the house. Rudely pushed in before the door slammed behind me and heavy footsteps stomping down the hall before another bedroom door had slammed rattling the walls. I needed to attempt to dial down the yelling with Brantley today or I'd be on voice rest before going on the road next week.

Hell, I didn't even know if he was here or if I'd been left stranded at his house. That fucker had another thing coming if he didn't think I was above jacking the keys to his truck with the determination to haul ass back to Nashville. Guess worst case scenario, I could call Mama to come get me for a ride to the airport. She was only about two hours away. I was halfway down the stairs when footsteps made me lift my head. My eyes locked with green ones that narrowed at me. Vaguely saw the slight tinge of red near his right eye making a smirk twist at my lips as I walked closer trailing my fingers idly along the wooden bannister.

"There isn't enough coffee flowing through my veins to even deal with your ornery ass this morning,'' Brantley growled lowly. I glared back at him as he stepped closer to the bottom of the steps. My lips flattened into a hard line narrowing my own eyes. It was like there was always a challenge or power struggle with us. Guess it was each of our ways of putting the other in their place. We didn't used to be like this or at least not all the time. Good times from a decade ago had seemed to been forgotten I paused on the step above him throwing my shoulders back in challenge. He sighed shaking his head running an agitated hand over his face. "I'm serious Kaydence Leigh. I am in no mood for your shit this morning after last night. I'd have a fucking black eye if you had succeeded in getting my brass knuckles out of my pocket."

"Well," I purred subtly dragging my nail along the collar of his t-shirt leaning closer. "From this angle B, I doubt I could miss. How about you hold still?"

"How about I put your bitchy ass across my knee?" he challenged back with a raised eyebrow. I scoffed rolling my eyes knowing he was full of shit. We were so caught up in staring each other down we didn't hear the front door open until it slammed. I jumped with a squeak losing my footing stumbling forward. A long arm shot out looping around my waist catching me. I bit my lip looking up at Brantley as he looked down at me never removing his arm before speaking over his shoulder. "Dammit Dad. Think you slammed the door loud enough."

"The pair of you seemed preoccupied with the morning pissing contest," Keith said with a chuckle giving me a wink. I ducked out of Brantley's arms feeling a blush tease across my cheeks at getting called out. "Good morning Kay. Sleep okay last night sweetheart? Know that throat has got to be a little sore from all that yelling. I am betting there is something around here for that. B, that part you needed came in. Wanna ride with me to get it?"

"Sure," he sighed looking down at me. I was having trouble reading what was going through his mind. "Kitchen is through there. Music room is downstairs by my office if you need a guitar. The rest I'm sure you can figure out."

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