Red Carpet Secrets

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Kaydence's POV

With narrowed eyes, I glared at the iPad in my hand hearing Kerri snicker behind me. The makeup artist put the finishing touches on my lipstick made me hold my tongue from telling Brittany what I really wanted to say. She'd called to tease me about my date tonight for the CMT Awards and how she hated she was missing how cute we were gonna be together. Cute my ass. I hadn't been cute since my teen years. Be lucky if medical attention wasn't needed before the end of the night.

The wide-eyed girl who passed me a tissue to blot my lips had stars in her eyes. Poor kid. I silenced Brittany with a raised eyebrow before she said anything to give me away. The social media posts along with a couple of gossip column articles had been swirling on the topic of if Brantley and I were together. A wide smirk on Kerri's face as she had skimmed them the other day prompted an eye roll from me because at least one of us was thrilled over this. Damn man unnerved me. Always had.

"You are going to look amazing tonight Kaydence," she gushed timidly earning a genuine smile from me. Bless her. I normally equated red carpets with navigating a pit of sharks as well as stifling a groan over the one tonight. Someone was going to say something. I just knew they were. My money was on Caroline. Or a wayward ex. "Sure you will knock BG's socks off. Was excited to find out you were dating him."

"Well you know," I said forcing an airy laugh shooting a glare at Kerri. "Things just have a way of happening when you least expect it. What can I say, I'm a lucky woman." She giggled before turning to grab her makeup case and heading to my bus door. I collapsed back in the chair with a groan shaking my carefully arranged hair knowing I'd need to be getting dressed soon. "Tonight is gonna be a disaster."

"The hell it is," Kerri growled slipping in her earrings as Brittany dissolved into a fit of laughter she had been holding in. "All you two have to do is smile, be sweet to each other, and try not to fight."

"Oh now that is a tall order there Kerri," Brittany giggled as I flipped her off. "Damn I hate I'm missing this. Told Kasi to sneak me some behind the scenes videos." Jason called for her from a distance. "Okay Kay, we are headed to dinner. Send me pictures when you get your dress on. Love you!"

"Love you too," I sighed blowing a kiss at the screen as she ended the call. I resisted the urge to bite my lip as I looked back at Kerri before pushing to my feet. "I dunno if I can do this. You know I hate eyes on me as it is."

"You can do this," Kerri reassured me laying a comforting hand on my robe covered shoulder. I received a not so subtle push towards the back with a laugh. "Now go get dressed."

Twenty minutes later, I walked up front smoothing my hands down the lace of the black dress I was wearing. Katie had been grinning so damn evilly when she'd unzipped this bag showing me the other day before flying back to New York. One of my best friends and college roommate had taken the fashion world by storm and still made time to use me as her personal Barbie doll. And this occasional had called for a dress she'd said only I would be able to pull off. The intricate braided and curled up do showed off my tan skin and dangling jet black earrings. Dagger sharp Jimmy Choos completed the outfit that even I had wondered was a little daring. But the CMT Awards were the one red carpet I walked a year to wear something a tad edgier. I adjusted the bangle bracelets on my wrist as Kerri let out a low whistle.

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