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Brenda went home, which I was kind of thankful for because she was getting on my nerves. Sometimes she'd become a whole different person when she tried to impress or flirt with someone. I guess it was part of who she was, but since that person was kyle, it started to aggravate me. My crush on kyle was only deepening and as was my jealousy.
Anyway, Amy and I biked up to my place, and since I was shaken up about whole incident, I asked if she would spend the night. Both of our moms were hesitant being that I was a school night, but they ended up conceding. Amy's mom would drop us off for the school next day, since Amy's belonging were still at her house.
We ordered pizza and hung out in my room. For a while, we talked about anything to distract ourselves from horror I'd felt earlier. We discussed our Halloween's costumes, which were already decided upon; we laughed at the latest gossip going around our school, and watched netflix while binging on some chips I'd snuck out of my pantry.
Later on, I noticed Amy was trying to get me to talk about the asylum incident. She started to drop hints at it, like 'are you going on your morning bike ride, tomorrow?' Or 'I wonder if kyle lives on chestnut.' Things like that. And eventually I gave in, seeing that she needed to talk about it more than I did. I don't know, maybe she just wanted some closure.
So I explained to Amy, the whole story about asylum's past. About Melissa, the girl who locked herself in a room and set the place on fire; how she killed the majority of people as well as herself. A selfish suicide mission. But then again she was crazy.
Amy looked perplexed "Don't the employees monitor their patients though?" She asked. "How could they let something like that happen?"
"I don't know," I admitted. "I mean this was in the 60s, so maybe security wasn't as good back then."
She bit her lip as her eyes stared past me in thought. "Yeah, maybe," she absently said.
"Ames," I snapped my fingers in front of her face, laughing at her mental absence.
"Do you want to watch some more Netflix?" I asked.
"Sure..." She drawled out. "But, um, can I ask you something first?"
I gently smiled. "Yeah, of course."
She started playing with her blonde locks, avoiding eye contact with me. "Just promise me, you wont get mad." She said.
"Yeah, I won't. What's the matter?" I politely asked.
She fidgeted with her hem of her shirt, obviously anxious about what she was going to tell me, and my smile had begun to falter. "I think..." She passed me a sympathetic glance. "I think we should go back there."
"Wait, what?" I shrieked. I felt my insides beginning to churn. "To the asylum?"
"Just hear me out," she pleaded.
"I can't go back there,"
"Shhhhh, your mom's going to hear us," she urgently whispered.
"I don't care. What you're suggesting is insane! I... felt sick, like I was going to collapse when we went there."
"And I think we should figure out why." Amy enthused.
I vigorously shook my head, "No no no no no. I'm NOT going back there again." 
Amy pursed her lips.
"I'm sorry Ames, but I just can't. Maybe my reaction was just a panic attack or something... Yeah, I mean that seems logical. Boom, there's you reason. Now we don't have to go back."
She rolled her eyes at me, shaking her head. "Wendy, you don't hear evil laughter during a panic attack." She sighed.
I hugged myself, feeling unstable. "Still," I said, my tone laced with plead, "I'm fine with not knowing why, rather than going through all of that nausea again."
"But nothing," I interjected, "I'm sorry. Please understand."
I was afraid she'd come up with something to convince me to go back there.
"But what about Kyle?" She simply stated, confirming my theory.
I opened my mouth and then shut it. KYLE. I briefly closed my eyes, picturing him and my stomach started to flutter at the thought... Damn, she was good.
"Don't you want to see him again?" She pressed.
I exhaled loudly and face-palmed. I shook my head, thinking this through.
"Look," Amy said, gently tapping my shoulder. I picked myself up to look at her green hopeful eyes. "I'll come along, if you'll allow me to. Honestly, it's agitating me. I hate it when there's not a scientific reason behind a situation like this."
I couldn't help the light chuckle that escaped my lips despite all of the anxieties banging around my head. Amy was the biggest nerd whenever it came to something technical, like science.
Finally, I calmed myself down and cleared my head. "Okay, fine. I'll go." I caved in. My reason for going there wasn't really her though. It was because she'd made a good point: I really did want to see kyle again.
You know, without Brenda this time.

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