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Wanting to get back on my daily routine, I decided to bike alone this day. I told amy that we could go together to execute whatever plan she had in store. She was fine with that, actually relieved I think, because she tiredly swatted her hand to dismiss me from interrupting her slumber. I laughed and said goodbye to her, then to my mom and left.
I pedaled for a while, taking in the pre-halloween scenery which consisted eerie decorations and carved pumpkins. It wasn't until I was nearing chestnut I realized how apprehensive I was feeling. My grip on the handlebars was shaky and I couldn't stop shivering, even though it wasn't so cold today.
The truth was that I had a lot in my mind: The asylum, The laughter, Brenda's flirting, Amy's theories and Kyle. Ugh! Kyle. I still hardly knew that guy and yet there hadn't been a day since I first met him and he didn't cross my mind. I realized how nervous I was about seeing him. I had anxious butterfly soaring around my insides, making me feel happy and nervous all at once. 
And then I saw him.
"Wendy," he greeted with a short wave. "Long time no see." He was standing at the same place I always found him on this street, wearing his black wool coat and a pair of dark jeans. 
I furrowed y eyebrows in confusion, and parked my bike by his side. "What do you mean? I just saw you yesterday." I said.
"True," his crystal blue eyes seemed to shine a lot happier and they immediately brightened up my mood. "But it's the first time we've seen each other alone in a while," he clarified. "I take it, your friends enjoy biking as much as you do."
I laughed, "Oh! Amy and Brenda? No, not really. I don't even know why they have bikes in first place. They don't like being active that much."
"Hmm," he folded his arms across his chest, his smile alternating into a gentle smirk. "So why did they bike with you?" his eyebrows shot up, knowingly. 
Alright, so clearly he figured it was because I told them about him. And I guess this was obviously true in Brenda's case, being that she treated him like a god and worshipped the ground he walked on. For Amy though, that wasn't the case, but nonetheless I did tell her about him prior to us biking up here. I felt my face heat up being put on the spot, but I knew there was no point in denying this. "I told them about you." I breathed, hiding behind my bushy brown hair.
He laughed at my shyness. His eyes crinkling and his teeth, big and white. "Well, what did you say about me?" He questioned, amused.
Oh! Just that you're hot and older and although I strongly disapprove of smoking, you look even hotter with that cigarette between your lips. "Just that you seemed nice and polite." I lied, biting my lip.
I think my lie was pretty obvious but he didn't comment on it. "Thank you," was what he said. "I think we both share the same quality, you and I."
"Oh!" I blushed, looking down at the ground. "Thanks."
He nodded. "So what are your plans for today?" He continued. "Are you and your friends are biking here after school again?"
"Yeah. Just me and Amy though. She just wanted to come back here."
"Why is that?"
"To see the asylum," I said, truthfully.
His eyes darkened at my words, and he glanced past the dilapidated building through his shoulder. "You shouldn't be hanging around that place," he said, turning back to me. He dragged a hand down his jaw, shaking his head. "It's not safe here."
I sighed because I had a similar talk with my mom last week. "I know but Amy's just really curious about it and I --"
"And nothing." He suddenly snapped. His jaw was set firmly, and his blue eyes were no longer crystal. Instead, they were cloudy and angry. He glowered down at me disapprovingly. "I've witnessed some very bad people hanging around that place, Wendy. You could get yourself seriously hurt if you would run into one of them.Let alone the condition of the building -- it's abandoned for a reason and hazardous."
"I-I know," I stuttered, a little frightened by his sudden outburst. I still felt that I needed to go there with Amy, so I tried justifying myself. "But ---"
"You know there's a 'No trespassing' sign on the property, right?" He interjected. "Do you know what that means, or is your sixteen-year-old brain is not developed enough to?"
Okay, now I was mad. "That's ENOUGH." I yelled, clenching my fist. I'm not gonna lie, whatever he said really stung, and since I'm not that good with words and coming up with right things to say, I just screamed, the only versatile comeback I can think of. "FUCK YOU."
"I suddenly collapsed onto the concrete; my legs and arms sprawled out on the leaves. At the first I didn't know what happened -- why I fell -- but then it hit me in a familiar burning flash filled with boiling emotions that screamed hate, fury and insanity. I felt them in my head, in my heart and then I was turned ice cold. I was freezing and shivering, and then I started shaking violently, my head spinning towards the asylum.
That laugh. It cackled in the atmosphere, and I could practically feel it deriving from the building. Heee heee heee. It sounded like a deep witch laugh, like a clown, like a demons, like something that'd come from a nightmare. And I couldn't stop it from invading my thoughts. I couldn't stop the massive headache it brought, and the cackle which was getting louder and angrier. Heee heee heee. 
"GET OUT!!" I abruptly screamed, squeezing my palms against my ears. "GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!" I started wailing, my voice straining and coming out, scratchy and in pain. Because I was in pain. "PLEASE!" I cried having no control over my body. "It hurts... "
I saw kyle bend down in hurry, I realized that he was talking but I couldn't hear him.His face was all business and extremely concerned and scared. He put his Hans on my forehead, his lips continued to move, but all of it was still mute.
At once, the laughter faded, and as if I were turning into a radio station, Kyle's voice came back muffled at first, and then sharp and clear. "Stay with me," He ordered. "Wendy, keep your eyes open. Look at me." I did. I stared up in his eyes that were no longer angry, but troubled. "Can you hear me?" He asked. He brushed away strands of hair that were sticking to my forehead due to sweat. He skimmed his fingers across my skin, bringing me back.
I sat up. "I-I can he- hear you" I stuttered between cries. My cheeks were stained with tears dripping down my neck and then into my shirt.
Kyle swept me off the ground, into his steady arms. He pressed me against his chest, and I buried my face into his shirt. "Shh.. Calm down," he murmured. "It's okay, you're okay." He assured me.
I steadied my breathing. "Thank you," I exhaled, quieting my crying into soft gasps.
He sat me down on the curb, and took a seat right next to me. I wasn't thinking about what I was doing-- Everything was just happening in a blur. I tilted my head, and rested the side of it on Kyle's shoulder. He looked taken aback at first, staring me with his scared blue eyes. But then he softened up a bit, hesitantly combing my hair with his fingers. "I'm sorry," he said. "I shouldn't have yelled at you."
I closed my eyes. "It wasn't you that made me freak out, kyle."
"I know, but I still can be sorry, can't I?"
I gave him a small nod,snuggling in closer. I exhaled long and weak. "Apology accepted," I whispered back. "And I'm sorry for cursing."
He lightly chuckled at that. "It's okay, kid." He said.
We sat in there for what seemed like hours but was only a short amount of time. I felt the morning sum beating on my forehead and the faint autumn coolness drying the sweat on my face. I was easily able to calm down next to kyle. I don't think I'd ever felt that safe with anyone as I did with him in that moment.
I wished we could stay there forever.
Okay! So it's a long chapter though. Hope y'all like it. Comment below your suggestions and views on this chapter. Thank you :)

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