7. Innocent Sheep Friend

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I'm done with this shit. Yes I am, Sam. Sam I am. Green eggs and ham. Delicious.

I nae nae'd illegally down the street, trying to find my next victim. Yes, victim.

That bowl head Mob did tell me using my powers were bad if you used them on actual people, but did he get that through my thick skull? Nah.

I do what I want, no one can stop me. Can't take over the whole world if I can't hurt anyone. However, I may spare his life when I become queen.

That, and I need that cash money if you get what I'm saying.

I followed the boy wearing a black uniform. He seems like scum anyways, I'm just doing a good deed for the environment.

Wait, that uniform... It looks like Mob's uniform. Maybe this could be his friend? Would that hurt his feelings if I beat up his friend and rob him?

He could also be a bully. Do I get a golden star if I take down a bully? I'll gain two levels up and become a level forty-two gangster. Give me a couple more months to become that multi-millionaire mafia boss.

I watched quietly as the boy walked down an alleyway, kicking a stray cat on the way. What an asshole, time to get beaten up.

"HEY YOU! BIG BULLY MAN!" I yelled to him. He lifted his head up and turned around to me.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT ME?!" he screamed. I just called him a bully, damn.

"I SAW WHAT YOU DID WITH THAT CAT, AND WHAT YOU DID EARLIER WITH THAT SMALLER BOY! YOU WANT TO GET CRACKED IN THE HEAD?!" I screeched back. I should just walk up closer to him, this is really hurting my throat.

"So what about it? You're just a weak girl, do you want to end up like that boy?! I'll kick you like I kicked that ca-"

I slammed my fist against his face. My knuckles made a cracking sound. Holy shit, I should have cracked my knuckles before I did that! OW.

"Weak girl?! BITCH, KNOW ME NOW AS THE FUTURE QUEEN OF THE WORLD! BOW DOWN AT MY FEET!" I laughed. He looked a bit scared.

He stayed where he was, backing up a bit. "You're a maniac, girl!"

"Not bowing, hm? Why don't I show you your place into this world?" I smirked. I activated my psychic powers, forcing him closer to me, making him bow down to me on the gross, broken concrete.

He tried to scream before I kicked him in the mouth. "Now kiss my feet, peasant." I crossed my arms, looking down at him.

He began to peck his lips on my muddy shoes. HA, WHAT A LOSER. LOOK WHO'S IN THE PATHETIC STATE NOW, HIM!

I got bored. "Okay, that's enough man, now hand over your wallet please." I reached into his jacket pocket to only be glocked in the face with his fist.

Okay, not funny. Didn't laugh. Not cool. 1/10 funny, 10/10 cringe.

I held my cheek. Damn, that shit HURTED.

He tried to run away, but I got ahold of his neck. I slammed him against the wall next to us.

"Now we have to do this the hard way, dude. You could've just given me your small amount of cash. It's not that hard."

He attempted to spit in my face. Nasty ass HOE.

I tightened my grip a bit.

"Please stop, (Y/N)."


"Mob, get away, this doesn't concern you."

"He's from my school. You don't have to hurt him. It's wrong, (Y/N)." he started walking over to the both of us.

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