1: Skyfall

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Before beginning the story!
I would like to thank connorrk1700writes for contributing and being a co-creator of this story. This was originally an idea up in the air for me, and we decided to roleplay it out, further turning it into a story. Without her, I probably wouldn't even be posting this story! Both of us wrote parts, me writing for Nines' role, and she took Gavin's. Be sure to check out her works!

This is a Detroit: Become Human fanfiction which centers around the ship Reed900 (Gavin ReedxRK900.) This is an au, Gavin an avian and Nines a tiger shark siren.

For those of you who don't know what Detroit Become Human is (honestly I don't know why you would be reading this if you didn't, but you do you) It is a game developed by Quantic Dream for PlayStation.
All the characters belong to the game and are not my own.

- strong language
-typical game violence


Things got pretty boring on the mainland. Everything Gavin knew was consistently the same, nothing seemingly new or exciting to him.
The avian sat perched in a tree, his wings folded neatly at his sides as he gazed around. Gavin's eyes then landed on the beach.
He always wondered what was out there, beyond all that water. He always wanted to find out, to get off his homeland and explore. He knew no one else would care if he disappeared if it was just for a little while.
Gavin was adventurous and had a curious heart. Nothing could stop him from investigating new things, even if they tried.
With a final decision, the avian jumped off the branch, expanding his large brown-black wings and giving heavy flaps to carry himself above the trees for a long distance, gliding as soon as he found himself above the water.
It was beautiful, the water a pretty, crystal blue. He continued flying, staring ahead of him, excited to see what was out there. He had never felt this much air on his wings; It was such a glorious feeling, the way the breeze carried him, and it was very refreshing. He closed his eyes for a moment and grinned, just focusing on the air, and nothing else around him.


Nines had been instructed his whole life never to stray too close to the surface. He was warned many times about dangers and about avians and land-walkers, and was told stories about the violent slaughtering of his ancestors long, long ago.

That didn't necessarily mean that there was no contact between the two species though. There would occasionally be trade at some of the seaports, normally between Markus, Simon, and Josh since they were of the diplomatic type. And of course, not to mention, the occasional attacks on ships for sailing too close to the shoal's home-waters, or the petty female mers going and luring men to their deaths for fun.

They lived in a fairly large shoal. Nines grew up surrounded by the pod he learned to call his family. They grew together, learned to hunt and fight together, and were told stories about land-walkers and the avians, and learned about their lifestyle on land.
It was his home, and he'd do anything to protect it and it's people.

Nines had been hunting alone for a while, enjoying the peaceful solitude. His shoal wasn't necessarily annoying when it came to hunting or anything, he just preferred to be alone at certain points in time instead of being in a group. He couldn't connect to the others as much, even though they were welcome and loving toward him. Sometimes it was just too much for him to handle.

Nines felt the currents of the water as he swam, passing by a lone fish or a fellow shark every now and then. He could tell there would be a storm soon, just by the way the current felt against his skin. Storms were exciting. He liked going to the surface and feeling the force of the waves, feeling the rain against his skin.
Nines continued to explore, finding himself edging slightly closer to land as the seafloor got higher and took on a different smell than the deeper waters. Maybe he'd stick around and see what was here. If he was lucky, he'd find a crashed ship or two.
Nines continued onward.

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