5: Idling in a Storm

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Song Of The Chapter:
Lung - Vancouver Sleep Clinic

The avian was still on the beach waiting out the storm as it continued to rage on. He was both freezing and soaking wet, considering the leaves he had been roosting under had broken away.
He couldn't stand this. he could be on his homeland right now curled up in his canopy treehouse. But no, he had to be an idiot and come out here. The flashes of lightning and claps of thunder really scared the avian, making him flinch each time it would crack through the sky. He curled up under his wet wings and woefully waited for the siren to come back.


Nines swam as fast as he could, rocketing through the water. He had always been one of the fastest swimmers in his shoal. He thanked that now. Seeing the small expanse of island ahead, Nines let out a sigh of relief. He was done trying to fight through the angry toss and turn of the waves.
The merman swam up to the rocks, and, as he had done many times before, using momentum to jump out of the water up onto land. Spotting the shape of the avian huddled under some palm leaves a little further up the beach, he smiled. He let out a trill of greeting, knowing that would carry much farther than spoken words alone.

Gavin could barely hear anything from all the rain, but he was able to hear the shrill sound from the merman. He flinched, letting out a defensive hiss as he curled up under his wings to hide, growling lowly to whatever just screeched at him. He didn't realize yet that it was Nines. He was frightened about the storm, irrationally worried he'd be hit by lightning again even though he was low to the ground.

Nines frowned, pulling himself toward Gavin. He jumped slightly in surprise as thunder rolled around him. He had to admit, storms were a lot more unpleasant above water. Louder, definitely, and since his ears were already highly sensitive it seemed even louder.
"Gavin!" He called out again with words this time. He continued to pull himself over, muttering little curses as he dragged himself against the drenched sand.
Gavin opened his eyes as soon as he heard the familiar voice, glancing over towards the water and seeing the merman coming towards him, giving off a displeased scowl directed at the shark.
"It's about damn time!" He yelled, continuing to stay wrapped up under his large expanse of wings. He hated this storm, he wanted it to end. He was scared, and he hated how vulnerable he seemed at this moment.

Nines finally made it over, lifting up the leaves covering Gavin curiously.
"Are you doing okay?" He asked, smelling a fearful scent coming from Gavin, even through the drenching smell of rain. "I'm sorry it took a while, but I'm back now."
Gavin looked up at the merman with a shaky growl when he lifted the wet leaves off of him. Gavin was visibly shaking, both from fear and from the cold alike.
"D-id you find them..?" he asked shakily, wincing and staying curled up under his wings, only his head peeking out from under the pinions.
"I did," Nines nodded. "My brother didn't buy the turtle fib I came up with to explain why I was gone for a few days. I told him about you, and uh," Nines let out a small chuckle, "he wants to meet you at some point in time."
Gavin listened closely to the merman and his eyes slowly widened as he realized someone, another siren, wanted to meet him.
"Uh..." he looked away, not sure. "I don't know..." he muttered. Another merman hanging around may just be a bit overwhelming for the still wounded avian. He'd have to get a little more used to Nines' presence first.
Nines understood why Gavin didn't want to have two mers hanging around, which was precisely the reason he told Connor to wait until he asked.
For now, this was enough stress on both of them, really.

The storm slowly began to calm down after a while, and Gavin became less tense, closing his eyes and relaxing slightly as the thunder ceased to make any more sounds. He was freezing now, the cold rainwater and wind working harmoniously together, apparently to make him as soaked as fucking possible.
"F-fuck..." his wet wings couldn't provide any warmth, no matter how tightly he enveloped himself in them in the attempt to warm his skin.
The siren hesitated- Gavin currently looked both cold and scared. In cold temperature Nines' body warmth raised since he needed to stay warm in the depths where sunlight's warmth didn't reach. But... he didn't know how Gavin would react, even to a mere hug to warm his body up. Nines knew the avian was prickly. He WANTED to hug Gavin, both for comfort and for warmth but found himself frozen, unsure whether or not to actually act on his impulse.
Gavin was freezing nevertheless, and becoming more aggressive because of it. He wasn't as used to the cold as Nines was; he spent his time huddled up in sheltered trees, or inside by the fireplace, especially during storms. This wasn't anywhere close to that, and he hated it. Nines' stare was starting to get annoying. He whipped around and turned his back on the merman suddenly, growling and shaking harshly in the cold, his wings beginning to flap away the water in irritation as more cold water beat down upon them.

Nines felt a pit in his chest for a moment as Gavin turned, feeling slightly rejected. He almost reached out until he caught himself, movement faltering, hand suspended in the air as he gazed helplessly at the avian. "I-" he again cut himself off, lowering his hand slightly. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid fish for hoping for something that probably wouldn't happen.
Gavin wasn't thinking about anything but the cold at the moment. He was distressed and aggressive, his wound was in pain due to the nasty rainwater hitting it, feeling like a thousand needles hitting it every second. "What?!" He snapped, even if he didn't mean to, taking it back instantly as a sharp painful whimper cut past his lips. "T-this hurts!"
Nines flinched, but said nothing.
Gavin tried again to wrap up in his soaked wings, only making himself colder and wetter, shaky groans and whines leaving his lips every second. If only the trees were big enough on this island. They were tiny palm trees. Utterly useless.
If the fear of the storm wasn't already enough, the soaked feeling sparked his fear of drowning once again.
Nines, after finally seeing enough of the suffering bird gingerly came forward, and without really asking wrapped his arms securely around Gavin, looping his tail around the avian for even more security.
Gavin did not expect to be touched or grabbed at all, letting out a shrill screech like sound and expanding his wings before they were pressed shut by Nines's arms.
"What are you doing?!" He screeched out, feeling his legs become immobile due to Nines's tail wrapping around them like a boa constrictor.
Nines hesitated, almost embarrassed about what he was about to do, but decided to sing the melody many merfolk sang to those who were afraid or were sick. It was known throughout the shoal- used for anyone in need of comfort. It was a hushed melody, no words, that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. It was slow, soothing, and Nines closed his eyes, letting his own song soothe his own troubled mind as well. It reminded him of his young minnow days, huddling close to Connor whenever their parents left for something dangerous.

Gavin struggled and thrashed for a while in the merman's grip until he heard the song, his eyes immediately widening as the song's effect immediately sank into the avians brain. It reverberated around him, seeping into his bones, hypnotizing him and calming him down. Gavin relaxed in the merman's arms, the soothing warmth of Nines' arms wrapped around him reaching him as he closed his eyes. He only focused on the song for the while, letting it ease him into a state of sleep.
Nines' singing continued to pulsate softly, and his hand found its way to Gavin's hair, carding through the brunette locks. He really hoped this was okay, hoping he wasn't pushing any boundaries or anything... All he knew currently was that it had calmed Gavin down from his previous panicked and aggravated state.
The avian was shaking softly now, nowhere near the violent shuddering he had been facing previously. He was still caught in the trance of Nines's song, utterly entranced. A weak whimper left his lips as the other combed through his hair, leaning into it with a soft whine. Then slowly Gavin lowering his head down once more and finally fell into a soft, comfortable sleep.
Nines sighed lightly, letting his singing fade into a few lasting notes, holding Gavin close. Though he probably should sleep in the water, he couldn't stand leaving Gavin right as he was finally falling asleep. So, he got comfortable where he was, before closing his eyes himself and letting his mind drift into a dreaming state of mind.

A/N: birds hate storms.

Sorry it took so long to update, I've been getting back into the swing of school, which means that there is less time to focus on writing, considering I stay up until around 11:00 every night finishing work, and by the time I'm finished, I am too tired to work on anything. Thanks for understanding, and I hope to push out some new chapters fairly soon!

Remember to check out connorrk1700writes account and give them some love as well! This fic probably wouldn't have happened without their help! <3

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