10: To Hear the Heart Confess

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Song Of The Chapter:
BITE - Troye Sivan

Gavin jumped up into a tree and stood on a branch, balancing himself with his large wings. Why did his kinks have to get in the way of everything? He was sure he hurt Nines's feelings by his frustration. When he looked down from the tree, he saw the merman was gone.
Gavin closed his eyes and grabbed a cluster of bananas and began to eat each one slowly but angrily, mad at himself.

Nines swam close to the island, making his way around it. He let out a small growl of frustration. He had the urge to sink his teeth into something. And that "something" totally wasn't anything to do with Gavin... Nines wished what he was feeling would dissipate. The desire to feel the tear of skin under powerful jaws was unsettling. He knew at this point back in the shoal his brother would often put him into tonic immobility to chill his mind out. Nines, after some pondering, decided to go seek Gavin out for a solution to the problem at hand. Nines let out a huff and turned back around, making his way back to shore.

Gavin had his wings curled slightly around his body to keep himself shielded a bit as he sat on the branch and kept munching on bananas. How could this even work if Nines was too scared to have fun and loosen up? What were they supposed to do? He noticed the shark swimming back towards the shore and tilted his head and watched him quietly, holding a banana tightly in his hand waiting for the fish to announce its presence.

Nines flopped onto his back, not bothering to look around much. "Gavin?" He called, wondering where the avian had disappeared to. Was he mad at him still? Nines let out a breath, digging his clawed hands into the sand. He was stuck in the middle of feeling both primally aggressive and turned on, still recalling the taste of Gavin on his tongue... the way Gavin looked at him.... How could Gavin be... okay with the idea of Nines hurting him? Nines bit his lip subconsciously.
"Gavin..." he tried again.

Gavin watched Nines silently, listening to the fish call him. He sighed and slowly made his way back down to the ground. Landing by the shark, the avian gazed down at him, Nines observing with careful eyes.
Gavin didn't say anything, not exactly knowing what to say. He ended up humming a "hm?" in question. Gavin just wanted to have fun with Nines but... if Nines didn't want the same then...
"I was wondering if you could... put me into tonic immobility for a few seconds. I really need to clear my head, and that usually helps a bit." He wasn't about to say it was because he had an overwhelming urge to knock Gavin down again and never let him go.
Gavin's eyes seemed to widen sadly as he heard that. Seriously? Gavin shook his head and with a distressed look he glanced back over to Nines and moved to do it, until he suddenly pulled away and shook his head.
"No..." he said sternly and leaned back, scooting away from Nines. The shark had to learn to cope with his fucking emotions. He did not want his feelings dying in vain.

Nines felt like a weight dropped on his chest. His skin itched, out of frustration and the fact that he was, truthfully, a tiger shark, with occasional uncharted aggression. He sometimes couldn't control his aggressive nature, and he inwardly cursed himself for it. He just didn't want to do anything he regretted doing, really.
"I don't think you understand what's happening to me," Nines groaned, as if he was physically pained by what he was going through. "Gavin, I'm not trying to brainwash myself or anything," Nines' voice grew into a throaty growl as he spoke. He tried to ignore the involuntary flinches Gavin made at his sounds.
"I'm trying to prevent myself from having a fucking episode of aggression that is totally uncalled for. I don't..." He was struggling to formulate what he wanted to say now. "I don't want to hurt you. You don't know how hard it is for me right now not to just pin you down and just...."
Fear suddenly appeared in the avian's eyes as he stared back at the aggravated shark, Nines' words translating. Maybe he was being selfish... But he really wanted to have fun with Nines. He wanted to do things with him and not have the shark worry about hurting him. As much as he just wanted to cry that whole speech out to Nines he knew he couldn't. The shark he knew wouldn't listen to him, at least not in this current state.
Hearing what Nines was trying to prevent himself from doing almost made him want for it to happen... he shook his head, clearing the thought from his head.
In a bought of frustration, he reached forward suddenly and shoved Nines on his back, tugging his hair to force his head back into the sand.
"Deal with it," Gavin spat. "You think you can just erase what you're feeling whenever you want just because you're afraid of getting close? Getting aroused? No, I'm not fuckin' helping you." He released his hold on Nines, backing away a safe distance.
This was not gonna work. Gavin just knew... this was not gonna work at all...

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