9: Birds are friends, not food

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Song Of The Chapter:
Prey- The Neighborhood

Gavin wouldn't admit it out loud, but he had developed a rather big crush on Nines... he was just hiding it pretty well. Just as Nines had a spot for Gavin, Gavin had a spot for Nines.

Gavin remained asleep as Nines stirred, and the avian proceeded to groan softly and press closer to Nines, his wings wrapping tighter around the siren and his face burying into his chest. He felt extremely safe with Nines... and he was much larger than Gavin, which he oddly really found he loved.
Nines' breath hitched slightly as Gavin pressed into him further. His heart swelled with emotion, and he didn't know how much he could take. Connor was affectionate toward him, yes, but he had never shown any form of of it like... this. Nines was sometimes feared in the shoal, and he was always the type of person just to give a pat on the back, or a friendly nudge, or on rare occasions, a hug. But this... this was way different. It was almost too much for him to handle at once. He wanted to pull away, but then again, he wanted to stay and cherish the moment. He took another shuddering breath in.

Gavin remained asleep for only a few seconds more before he was awoken by that shuddering breath from Nines, opening his eyes quickly and looking up at the shark with wide eyes. Gavin's cheeks immediately turned red as he gave out a small yell of alarm and bolted up, scrambling back away from Nines, hiding his face in pure embarrassment.
"F-fuck I- I'm sorry I-I didn't mean- fuck!" He whined to himself, wrapping up in his wings to hide himself.

Nines was sightly surprised by Gavin's sudden outburst, but let out a breath, almost a laugh. He was quiet for a moment, before he spoke.
"Gavin?" The siren tilted his head slightly, and brushed a hand on Gavin's shield of wings.
"I'm not mad, you know. Not even remotely upset." Fuck he wanted to confess right now, but was scared to. "Please look at me...."

Gavin blushed even more when he heard Nines say his name, shaking his head and wrapping up tighter. He was too fucking embarrassed to face him... that sudden touch on his wings made him flinch, wanting to pull them away.
"I don't care if you're mad or not! I-" he stopped himself and whined harshly out loud. He really didn't want to show his bright red face, slowly laying down in an embarrassed clump of feathers.

Nines frowned slightly, watching Gavin collapse in a flustered mess. It was funny, really, that he had such a reaction.
"Are you having a heart attack?" He teased, poking the pile of wings.
Gavin flinched once more at the poke and growled, unfurling and pushing at Nines' hands.
"Stop it," he huffed, looking away with bright red cheeks, crossing his arms in what looked to be an honest to god pout.

Nines looked down at his own hands.
"I'm sorry if I am making you feel uncomfortable."
He wasn't exactly sure what Gavin wanted at this moment. Was teasing okay? Did he just want to be left alone? Had he finally come to his senses and realized that he didn't like Nines... or at least not in that way?
"Do you want me to leave you alone right now?" He chose to ask, voice uncertain.

Gavin froze when he heard Nines. No no no he didn't want him to leave!
"No!" The avian snapped up and grabbed the shark by the shoulder, but he quickly pulled away with an even brighter blush, shoving himself back in embarrassment, huffing in frustration.

Nines was surprised by the avian's actions, but his face melted into something soft.
"Gavin..." He leaned forward and took Gavin's hands in his, ignoring the minor flinch. "I..." He wasn't sure how put what he felt into words. Gavin stayed quiet, his head turned to the side and his eyes shut tight.
"Listen..." Nines looked down, lips turning down in a slight frown. "I'm..." god why was this so hard?
Gavin's amber eyes shifted to look at Nines when he heard him talking, anticipating his words.
"...What?" he asked, nervous for what Nines was gonna say.
"I-" Nines bit his lip, looking at where he held Gavin's hands in his. "Fuck," he hissed, closing his eyes.
Deep breath in, deep breath out.

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