He's back!

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Wendy guardian, u legit reply ever second XD. Have a nice night/day!
Star POV
"Where is Marco!" I ask for the hundredth time, louder I get every time I do so. "Sheesh kid, hold on. I need my putting." He grabbed Turing out of thin air and gulped the whole thing. Packet and stick included. Bleigk I think. "Just get to the point!" Everyone says in unison. Talk about bonding the group together under the blood moon. Alright, so he asked questions, and I answered, next thing you know it, he's after toffee. "TOFEE?" Everyone yells at the same time. "Oh no oh no oh no oh no " I pull my hair again, going crazier this time. I try pulling out my wand, but realize It's gone. "MARCOOOO." I yell. Everyone looks at me. "What happened now?" Janna scoffed. "HE TOOK MY WAND..." I said. "He can use that thing?" Hekapoo ask's. "Apperantly. But nobody but the butterfly family or related people can use it." "Well, maybe you guys did, ya know." Janna smirked. "JANNA" Everyone yells, and I looked pissed off. She backs up and has a scared face "woah woah, chill, I'm sorry!" She apologizes. We all stop glaring and go back to business. " we GATTA get him" I say. We all nod and head through hekapoo's portal to toffees old castle, or ludo's should I say. We enter and find toffee, on the ground, with Marc's foot on top, asking him questions like why did you do it? And many more, and it was in a cold, unlike Marco voice that sent chills down everyone's spine's. I swear to corn I saw him glow faintly purple, but it was interrupted by Ponyhead screaming "earth turd!" He looks at us, and see's us. "Get him!" Ponyhead commands. They all run. I stand there, but then join him too. Suddenly he throws me his wand. " I don't need it" he yells. Everyone charges at him, but in a blink of an eye, Tom,Janna, and pony are down, on the floor, not knowing what just happened. Hekapoo, Kelly,Aqua And me we're left. The other 3 started charging again, but I yell "STOP"! To which they do. I walk over to Marco. "Marco, stop this. I know it hurts, and I know you want your parents back, but trust me. It doesent have to be this way-" I was cut off by him. "I know now, I was just about to return home. I realize that I would be just as bad as the people who killed my parents-" "wait, ur parents died?" She asks shocked. "You didn't know? I thought you knew!" "I don't know anything, I just played along like the perfect pony head I am." He said, dancing side to side. " anyway, let's head home Marco. It's been a long day." "I know, I'm sorry. It's ju-" he was cut of by me kissing him, and he kissed back, we let go after a few seconds, and stare into each other's eyes. He whispered. "I love you, star butterfly" "I love you too, Marco Diaz" I whisper back.

Le time skip.

"Welcome back!" My parents greet me and Marco. " I come up to them and hug them. Marco just stares, smiling, but also crying a little. They notice, and pull him into the hug. When we part, my parents start of. " Marco, we are very sorry about your loss of the 2 most best people of your life. "Oh, that's fin- "but he had a one month old sister too!" I said. They looked shocked, and mom started crying. "Queen butterfly! What happened!" Marco asks. "Oh Marco... it's just, your mother and I... we have a history together...." what! "WHAAA" Marco finished me off, "AAAAAAAAT" my mother starts the story.


You see, when I was a young princess like star, I when to this dimension called earth. Over they're I met Angie Crystal. I was lost, so she took me in for the day. She took good care of me, and we became close friends. Every week, I would vosist her, and she would visit me, with the pair of dimensional scissors I gave her. Oh, we were the closest friends. Just like you, Star and Marco. But then, I had to become a princess, and Angie got married.we then parted our ways and never met again.
(End of flashback)

At the end of the story, mom had tears in her eyes. "Oh, I wish I could meet her again." She looks at Marco. "But you, my boy, are just like her, sweet, caring, and put others in front of yourself. Your like the other Angie for me. And I support you with everything you do. Your like a son to me." She smiled, and kissed Marco on the head. "You'll make a great son-in-law" she smiled again, and me and Marco blushed. This is going to be a long day.

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