Chapter three

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Uraraka's POV






How am I feeling?

I cant tell anymore...

Do I like him?

Of course not...


At least that's what I think...

I like....




I like him.

Ever since the beginning of the year.


Hes just a friend.

He surely doesn't like me.

He doesn't like anyone.

What would make that different for me?

Plus, I think I just like the way Bakugou is brave..



I want to be like that.

But, Deku.....

My heart belongs to him.


I don't know anymore.

"Uraraka! Snap out of it!"

I looked up, to see my pink friend. "Oh! Sorry Mina! How long was I spacing out?" I slowly pack up my stuff, dropping it in my bag. "Long enough, that the bell rang 10 minutes ago."

I sighed, "Im sorry to keep you waiting!"

Should I? "Hey... Mina....?" I asked looking down. I stared at my desk, and my pencil in my hand. I could hear the worryness creep onto Mina's face.

"Whats wrong Ochako?" She asked carefully, full of worry, then placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Should I confess to Deku?" I looked up with her, frowning.





Minas POV





"Should I confess to Deku?"

The words hit me in the stomach. She thinks she likes Deku... I thought. She wont be able to snap herself out of it, until she understands herself. I need to just support her.

I did my best, 'Ya-go-ahead' expression, "Yes! Definatly! It will be better then keeping your emotions to yourself!"

Uraraka nodded. "Ill do it right now then!"










Urarakas POV





I dropped my stuff onto my shoulders, and ran out the classroom thanking Mina profusely, but also leaving her alone. I ran through the hallways to the lunch room, and skipped the line to get a lunch, im not that hungry anyways.

I quickly ran over to the table me and Deku always sit at with out friends.

"O-oh! Hey Ochako! Glad to see y-you made it!" He said, with a bright smile. I could fee my heart skipping around. "Hey Deku, can we talk?"

Everyone at the table turned their heads to me. In fact, it felt like everyone in the cafeteria did.

I turned my head, not every table did, just the ones around. Including Bakugous table. Mostly him, Mina, and Kirishima. Mina and Kirishima gave me a thumbs up, while Bakugou huffed and looked down, with a major frown.

I looked back at Deku, who turned red. "O-of course!" He said, clearly nervous of what this talk was going to be about.

We waved off, as we walked away form the table. I lead him outside the lunchroom, and we took a seat next to each other in the hallway.

This is it. I held my breath for a moment, the awkward silence was unbearable. I wanted to break it, but not with a 'Hey, I like you Deku! Please date me!'.

"So..." Deku started, "What did you want to talk about?" He turned his head, and angled it so it was diagonal. His green curls followed along with the gravity of the world, some of them over his face, others just playfully bouncing up and down. His green eyes stared at me, as if they were judging my every move.

"I..." I started to make a sentence, but failed at the second word. This should be easy, right? Deku turned his head back up.

"You know, you don't have to say whatever it is." Deku slowly stood up, "Im not going to force you!" He turned his head to look at me, and closed his eyes and smiled.

He started to walk back to the cafeteria, "Actually Deku..." I started back up, standing along with my words.

He looked over to me, and raised an eyebrow.

"I do have something I want to say.." I fiddled with my fingers, looking at the ground, feeling the red paintbrush rush by, to cover my face with its paint.

"And that is?" He walked over to me, and stood in front of me.

I sighed, this is it, "Ever since the beginning of this year, I liked you. Your determination, strength, courage, the way you care for others, just everything. Your personality and looks. Deku, I just like you in general." I closed my eyes awaiting his response.

It was silent for a few moments, so I opened back up my eyes and looked up. He was gone.







I know this is very short! But I wanted to post a cliffhanger, and a type of explaining of how Uraraka feels. This is the shortest I ever wrote, and im sorry!

Words- 810

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